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Brocks POV

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, when I looked out the window to the front of the house. I saw Marcel, Scotty, Craig, Anthony and lui leaving the house once again. I sighed and took another sip of my coffee. Everyone has been so busy lately and out in groups rather than all of us together.

Like, nogla and Tyler have been out almost every morning for three hours working out, and when they get back home, nogla eats and then sleeps, while Tyler tries to get him up, but then also eventually falls asleep. Evan and Jonathan have been taking more time together to go out and do more photoshoots. And ryan and luke have just been chilling around exploring LA together. And brian? I dont know what hes been doing hes just being chilling out around the house or hanging outside usually.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch and sit down. I take another long sip, then I pull the blankets up to me, and rest my eyes close. Everyone has been so busy doing their own thing, that they don't have time to spend together anymore. I set my coffee on the table and snuggled into the couch. I mean, what could be so important? I know that del has no other choice to do the photshoot for his sister max, and if I were Evan, I wouldn't leave him with random people as well, so i get their situation.

It is better for nogla to get into shape more, and it's good for Tyler to be his teacher, but they should at least get used to staying up longer in the day more than taking multiple naps. And ryan and luke I guess they're fine as long as they're having fun this summer. But the other five? I dont know about them, they seem oddly suspicious. I mean, Craig said I had nothing to worry about, and that it was harmless buuut, you can never tell with these guys, they're all full of mysteries.

I mean, what could they be planning that I would find beneficial? I closed my eyes deep in thought and furrowed my brows. I gasped when I felt fingers rub my temples. I looked up and saw brian chuckling at my reaction. I blushed and furrowed even more. "What are you doing?" I asked sitting up on the couch. "Loitering."he said as he came around the couch and sat down next to me. "What are ye planning on doin today?" He asked looking up at me as he slouched in the couch.

I thought to myself before responding. "Hm, nothin much, why?" I said. He sat up fully and looked down at me, as he was a lot taller than me. "I wanna take you somewhere......I mean, if ye wanna go, that is." He said hopefully. I arched my brow, thinking about what he could be planning. I then decided to just let it play it out. "Hmmmmm, sure, but I wanna know the catch."I say pointing a finger at him.

He cocks an eyebrow at me and chuckled softly. Oh how I love that sexy laugh, god damn brock get a hold of yourself! "Theres no catch brockie, I just found a cool place, and thought that ye would enjoy it, as for the catch ehhhh.....I mean unless hanging out with a handsome man like me, is the catch then there is none." He said smirking and leaning closer to me. I stared at him blankly for a good ten seconds trying to hold in my laugh, before I accidentally let out a tiny snort.

I cupped my mouth and smiled. Brian looked down at me pretending to be offended. That made me break into a fit of giggles. He then leaned back and put his hand to his heart, looking even more offended. I couldn't help myself from laughing even more, so I got up and ran to the kitchen. I then let out all my laughter, but despite being in a different room, I bet he could still hear my snorts and giggles from how loud I was. I cant believe he just called me brockie!!!! HAHAHHAAHAH!!!! AND HE CALLED HIMSELF HANDSOME......I mean its true but when you say it out loud! HAHHAHAHAAH!!!


Brian's POV

Brock covered his mouth and bolted to the kitchen. A look of confusion found it's way to my face for a split second, then went away as I heard the loudest laugh ever. I chuckled to myself as I hear his giggles slowly die down into coughs and tiny gasps. I start to snort because he ran all the way to the kitchen to not be heard, but he still managed to be loud enough.

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