The fall

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Sometimes we just have to take the first step.
But, what if I'm tired of doing that ?

Friends, family...
are supposed to be there when you need them the most.

Why ?
Because you trust them.
Because you count on them.

You have told those important people all your worries and darkest thoughts.

You have proven them that you are worth the attention, the love, the respect...

Either way...
people are replaceable

Your most important and loved ones,
toss you away...
as if you were useless
Throw you into a cliff.

Another debris in their lives.

All the years, conversations...
turned into dust that just become memories and resentment.

The fall into the cliff...
Is endless

That little sparkle
Wishing with all you have,
that someday they will change,

That useless bright,
makes you want to climb, makes you...
try again

Is it worth, being the only one who cares about them ?

Is it worth... being hurt all over again ?

Trust is a utopia.

The reality is that you can't climb back
The reality is that they would stop talking to you without any reason.

And after all the hurt and tears. They come back to your like ignoring the knife that they put in your back.

Because you are an asset at the moment.
Suddenly you became important because they need a favor for the 'good old days'.
But at the end, is the same reality.

The reality...
is that you are worthless and a waste of time for them,
and that won't change.

You will keep falling with the hope of meeting someone who truly cares about you.

But we will be able to trust again ?
Are we worth enough ?
Don't we deserve respect and love ?

Sometimes we just have to take the first step.
But, what if I'm tired of doing that ?

Without hope, the fall seems...
so peaceful.

Anyway, is a matter of time until someone toss me away.

Could I just...enjoy the fall?

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