Chapter 21

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Gasps of surprise flew into the air as the guests all shifted their seats to stare at Nolan. His cheeks flushed from the attention, but they paled as he stared intensely at the girl.

She looked very familiar, her piercing brown eyes capturing his attention and her hair shone as the sun hit it. With a thin hourglass figure and high cheek bones, she was gorgeous. But Nolan shook his head. He already had, and loved, Maya.

Nolan remembered her face and it frustrated him that he couldn't remember quite who she was.

"What the hell!" Maya hissed quietly so that only Nolan could hear it. But he was too deep in thought, a name passing through his head.

"Sophie?" he called out uncertainly to the girl who had interrupted the wedding. "Is that you?"

The brunette smirked, her voice trailing with a thick British accent that Maya would kill for. "See? He recognizes me."

Maya growled under her breath, anger seething when she harshly whispered under her breath. "Who. The. Hell. Is. She."

"A friend," Nolan answered back quietly, only the corners of his lips moving.

By now, Sophie had the attention of everyone. "We had a wedding when you were in Germany," she announced. "You know, in that casino."

Maya couldn't contain her anger anymore. "In Germany?!" she yelled. "I thought you already stopped dating!"

Nolan turned his attention to Maya and tried to calm her down. "No-" he started before shutting his mouth at a loss of words. "I-"

Maya stomped off the platform, throwing her bouquet onto the ground. "That's it. I'm done," she stated in a wobbly voice before running off into the distance, tears trailing down her cheek.

Nolan glared at Sophie, who had a smug look on her face. Once she saw his narrowed eyes, she sent a smirk over. "Come with me," Nolan hissed, grabbing her arms and dragging her to the far side of the beach, away from everyone else. She had caused far too much of a commotion, and he refused to let her spread any more rumors his way.

"What the hell!" Nolan exclaimed once they had reached out earshot. "We didn't marry! So what in GOD's name made you ruin my wedding?!"

Sophie smirked again, pulling out a sheet of paper when Nolan added angrily, "Stop smirking!"

"Here," she said, her lips set in a straight line. "Here are the marriage papers."

As his eyes skimmed through the paper in his hands, he saw "marriage," and two signatures at the bottom. One was her's, printed neatly with a heart over the i, and the other a sloppy mess. The mess read, "Nolan". Shoving it back to Sophie's arms, she sniggered. "So believe me now?"

Nolan's nose widened as steams of anger blew out. He forced himself to remain civil as not to start anything he'd regret. "When was this?"

"Don't you remember?" Sophie asked, tilting her head to the side mysteriously. "We both may have had one too many, and then you dragged us over to have a wedding."

Fuzzy memories started to clear up. "Oh, shit," Nolan spat in recollection. "I thought those were fake."

"Well they're not," Sophie replied with a mischievous grin. "So I guess you're not gonna be marrying Maya anytime soon..." Turning to look at where Nolan's girlfriend was sitting by the oak tree. "Plus, she seems to be pretty mad."

Nolan growled in response and it seemed to be the reaction Sophie was expecting. "Stop smirking," he demanded, his fists clenching in anger. "It's all your fault she's mad, and thanks for stating the obvious." Pointing to the wedding site, he whispered threateningly, "Fix it."

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