Chapter 13

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Maya was drowning.

She could feel the water seeping through her nose, the engines, her heart pounding, trying to circulate blood, failing. The violent thumping of the tremendous waves of water biting at her ear.

Panic coursing through her bloodstream, her arms acted on their own, waving, slapping her palms against the waters that she thought would never release her.

Maya's head began to sink before the surface, her lips forming a small circle and sucking in air. Her chest heaved as fast as a hummingbird's wings, and instead of receiving the air she greatly needed, she felt streams of liquid trail down the small hole she created with her mouth.

"Help!" Maya screamed as loud as she could, but her words came out gurgled as she swallowed in buckets of salty sea water. Her face morphed into a disgusted smile from the aftertaste it left, but before she could spit it out, a whole new wave shoved into her.

"No!" she gurgled again once she reached the surface level, but the waves pushed her back.

Maya clawed her way up the pushing liquid, kicking her feet rapidly, before she broke up into the surface again. As she sucked in as much air as she could, she saw someone standing right there, on the sand.

"Hey!" Maya yelled once again. "Help!" before the water the water yanked her body down.

The third time her head came up, she took a quick peek before the water dragged her once again. He was blonde and familiar looking, just standing there and looking at her. Maya could feel his eyes staring right at her, but he did nothing to help. He wasn't even terrified! The features on his face were perfectly calm - straight and undisturbed.

Nolan, her mind thought in an instant. She was confused why, but it just seemed like it was the boy's name.

When she saw the largest wave - the size of four big whales - slowly coming toward her, as if torturing her, the panic rushing through Maya's body was stronger than it ever had been before.

Without thinking about anything but her life, she began to slap the water with her arms as fast as she could. Adrenaline coursed through her body and she felt a new feeling - a feeling that she never had felt in this excess amount.


When Maya glanced back at the wave, it seemed to get bigger and bigger. The tip curled evilly, seeming as if it wanted to eat her; to consume her as a whole and leave her behind, dead.

She knew she couldn't make it.

She stopped protesting against the waters and just let it sink and drift her slowly downward. Death felt pretty peaceful. It wasn't that bad if death was like this, she thought to herself, holding her breath in. She knew that soon, she couldn't -wouldn't - be able to survive just from the oxygen in her lungs.

Maya softly closed her eyes, laying her hands on her now flat body and crossing her fingers. Perhaps, she would survive this. She inwardly sighed, feeling the great need for oxygen and the release of the carbon dioxide building up in her body. She knew that she wouldn't be to.

Survive, that is.

But suddenly, when she knew - or thought she knew - that she would die, she found that she could take in huge breaths of air! It was a miracle! And when she opened her eyes, she saw darkness, the black consuming all the light and not allowing her the see her surroundings.

Maya had a peaceful smile on her lips, her eyes slowly but surely closing. Ahhh, she thought to herself, satisfied. If this is death, I love it...

But what was weird was her chest. It began to pound like sharp, biting wind against pieces of light dust and she was sweating excessively. She despised the sweatiness of her palms, turning to wipe them on her pants, but something was covering it.

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