Soon taehyung's and jungkook's parents came.

Taehyung's mom directly went to his grandchild who is sitting on bed and showered him with lots of kisses. And taehyung's father does the same thing.

Jungkook's parents were standing in the corner.

"Mama grandma is here. Grandma come here" junghyun said. Yes they know everyone. Taehyung had told them about jungkook's parents. Junghyun never hated them. He just hated jungkook.

Taehyung's parents went outside giving them space.

Jungkook's mother walked towards bed. She slowly kissed junghyun's cheeks.

Taehyung's parents has told them everything. Jungkook's mother was really upset and angry. And his father didn't said anything.

Jungkook's mother looks at junghyun " you know me?" She asked.

Junghyun nods " mama had told me. He always praise your strawberry cake. He said that you makes best strawberry cake. Can i have it? " He said with big smile. Taehyung always likes jungkook's mother's cake.

She turned towards taehyung who was looking guilty but gives nervous smile.

"What else your mother said?" She asked.

"He said you always loves him. And grandpa always also loves him. He never wanted to leave but he had to." Junghyun said innocently.

Jungkook's mother smiles she can see little jungkook in him. His big doe eyes, bunny theet.

"Dear we will talk later okay. Now go back to sleep you have to recover fast so you can eat your grandma's cake" jungkook's father said.

Junghyun laid down and look at taehyung" mama where's gukkie" he asked.

Taehyung points at couch where taegguk is sleeping.

Junghyun nods "i want to cuddle with him" he asked.

Taehyung walked to him " not today you know he is heavy sleeper. Maybe he can hurt you." Taehyung softly explain hoping he will understand.

Jungkook looked at baby who was pouting cutely. He picked up taegguk slowly and laid him beside junghyun. Soon taegguk's hands were on junghyun's tummy.

Everyone smiles at cute sight.

Jungkook glared at taehyung making him looked down.

Junghyun grabs taehyung's hand who was standing beside bed and kisses it. " Goodnight Mama" he said cutely before closing his eyes.

Taehyung kisses his cheeks mumbling good night. He sat there stroking junghyun's hair.

Jungkook's parents walked out of room.

Jungkook was sitting on couch. He felt betrayed. His son didn't even spare glance. What had taehyung told him.

Soon junghyun falls asleep.

Taehyung stands up and walked out. Jungkook kisses twins cheeks before walking behind taehyung.

There taehyung was standing infront jungkook's parents hanging his head down.

" How can you this selfish that you kept both children away from their father. Don't you ever think about others. How can you take that type of immature decision" jungkook's mother yelled.

" YES I'M SELFISH. Have you ever thought of standing in my place? How I have endured all this. What you said to your son day after he did it all? Ever asked him why did he do that? Why do you all blame me? Do you think the decision to leave everything was easy?Was it easy to be away from all my family? You think I'm mature, and you're all immature. Well do all you want to do." Taehyung said and stromed out of hospital.Taehyung had enough. Everyone blames him. But never anyone think that how he suffered those years.

Jimin runs behind him.

Yoongi looked at jungkook's Mother and glared at her " what were you thinking saying those things. You all don't know things that I do. He was under depression. He tried to commute suicide not for once not twice more than that. Even after giving birth to twins. He tried to do it . He took therapy. He always used to think that he was not good enough for twins. He was insecure about his parenting. And you called him immature but I think you all are immature." Yoongi shouted. And followed taehyung.


Jimin found taehyung at hospital's garden. He slowly makes his way and sits beside taehyung.

" Tae" after long time he calls him by that name.

Taehyung looks at him. His face was covered with tears. " You are here to scold me then go ahead and do it" taehyung said but jimin can sense sadness and bitterness in his voice.

Jimin shook his head " no I'm not here for that. I'm the reason because you had suffered. I can't do anything but say sorry. I will say it again and again till you forgive me. I wish that I have not done that stupid mistake in past. But I want to tell you that you are strong person. You raised two children alone." Jimin said.

Taehyung looks at blank space " you know after I left I never trusted people's thinking that they will again break me. I was so broken that I never allowed anyone to get closer to me. Except yoongi, hoseok and yeonjun. They were there for me. When frist time my parents came they also shouted at me telling me how irresponsible I was. But jin and namjoon hyung helped me. I gave birth to 2 beautiful angles. Then those two little pumpkins were reasons that for me to being alive. When I gave birth taegguk was so weak he was under observation for 15 days I blamed myself for that thinking I never cared about myself. I never hide anything from them. I always used to tell them stories of when we were in highschool. Our families. And jungkook. Taegguk never said anything about him but junghyun hated him for making me sad. Junghyun wiped my tears whenever I cried at night and maybe that's why he started hating Jungkook in his mind. He would run out of the room whenever I told them the story of me and Jungkook.I never told him bad about jungkook. Just that he has built a wall in his mind that jungkook is bad. I has explained many times that I left jungkook but he never utters a word."Taehyung says crying loudly.

Taheyung empties the suppressed emotions in front of his only friend in all these years.It is true. Sometimes no one understands your feelings better than a friend. And there should be a friend in front of whom you can do everything.

Jimin hugs taehyung and he also does same thing. Taehyung let out everything that he has been holding for years.

Jimin saw everyone standing behind taehyung. Taehyung's back was facing them. Jungkook's and taehyung's mother were crying. Their husbands were consoling them. Jungkook's mother was feeling guilty about what she told taehyung.

Jungkook was standing behind them. He had heard everything but he just can't forget what taehyung had done to him.

Yoongi looked at jimin and mouthed ' thank you'.

Yoongi tells others to follow him inside.

Jimin just nod's understandingly and shows thumb.

Taehyung stopped crying. He pulled out of hug mumbling small sorry. He tried to smile but failed miserably.

Jimin just nod's.


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