It's starting to annoy me that I haven't found her, I can't lose; but we're in practically a mansion so it will take me a while to found her

After 15 minutes I got annoyed and sat down next to the wall I was counting

"Hey what are you doing?" She walked to me

"I got bored" I stand up

"That's no excuse, I was hidden for ages and you didn't come to find me" she pouted again, don't do that

"But I got bored!" I tried to resonate with her

"Then I win" she proudly smiled

"No you didn't" she didn't win

"Yes I did"

"No you didn't"

"Yes I did"




"I won!" She yelled at me

"Fine, fine... you won" I raised my hands in surrender

"Thanks" she nodded proudly

"Now, can I have your name?" I want to know her name

"Nope" she shook her head

"Why?" I groaned

"Because you didn't win, so you don't get the right to know my name" she was now humming a song

"So I have to win for you to give me your name?" I asked

"Yeah, I guess" she shrugged "but you didn't win"

I need to think of something I could actually do that she can't win

Then I had an idea

"I challenge you to a race, whoever makes it to the other side of the hall first wins" she obviously can't beat me on this one, I'm really fast

"Deal" she smiled

"One" I started counting and we got in position "two...three" and with that we started running

The hall was ginormous so it wasn't that easy. I was ahead of her, I'm going to win

Then I was about to win when I heard a giggle besides me and she saluted me and ran faster than me, winning

Yeah I said it, winning

She beat me on running

What is she? Like wonder woman or something like that?

My jaw falls to the floor

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