S - what the fuck

Y - yeah but he was kinda nice and funny

S - this is what he does to girls he makes himself seem nice and stuff but he's just a man whore who gives no fucks about anyone but himself

A - *honks and rolls down window* COME ON!

Y - Sam I got to go

S - wait what about Lauren she is getting in a fight remember

Y - oh shit is it right now

S - yes right now

Y - ok I guess I'll go and we will finish this conversation later

S - ok I'll meet you over there

I walked up to Alex's window

A - let's go

Y - well about that will your mom care if your home a little later

A - no why

Y - its just my best friend is gonna get in a fight and I said I would be there because she doesn't know how to fight

A - *smiles* and you do?

Y - hell yeah I'll beat a bitch up although I will get in trouble but oh well

A - fine wait here

He went and parked then got down so we could walk together to fight. I saw Lauren waiting there with a group of people surrounding them so I went up to her

Y - hey where's the girl at?

L - quin should be here soon and her friend said she's gonna beat my ass to like I suspected

Y - if that actually happens dont worry I'll be here but dont stop till you see blood and make sure to aim for the nose or stomach and not the boobs

L - *nods*

We waited until we finally heard the yelling

Q - quin


L - The only bitch here is you

P - Penelope (quins friend)

P - I think you got it wrong hun

L - hun? I'm not your hun also can quin not fight her own fights? Why do you have to be backing her up

Q - because she can plus dont act like your friends weren't getting involved because I know there dumbasses would try to fight us to


Q - well see about that *gets in Laurens face* hit me bitch

L - you were the one talking shit I was just enjoying my time making you mad

Q - you were being an annoying little bitch

L - didnt you say that you wanted to beat my ass so bad? Prove it

Quin punched Lauren so thats when lauren started punching her. Eventually Lauren was on top of quin beating her ass and so Penelope decided to join in and try to hit Lauren so I quickly went and tackled Penelope to the ground and hit her. There was blood but I wasn't paying attention because I was just thinking about how mad she made me. I heard Sam behind me trying to pull me off but I was stronger then her so she couldn't and she stopped until I felt her yank me off or so I thought it was her. She pulled me all that way out of the circle and I turned around only to find out it was alex.

A - ok you need to stop because there was blood

S - y/n you need to go before you get in trouble

A - come on we can go to my house and then I'll drive you back and you can go in your car

Y - ok Sam make sure Penelope doesn't do anything to lauren also if a teacher comes get Lauren out of there

S - I will now you go

I walked with alex to his car and got in.

Y - how am I supposed to trust you that you aren't gonna kidnap me

A - please my mom raised me right

Y - then how come you always have girls sucking on your dick

A - because they want to I dont break there hearts or get with them just to leave them for another girl

Y - mhm I'm just saying if I get kidnapped I will hurt you

A - as if I just pulled you off of her and your friend couldn't

Y - that's because she isn't very strong

A - yeah ok

We start driving and I got bored

Y - does your radio have Bluetooth?

A - yeah

Y - ok bet...actually I need to call my mom real quick because she is blowing up my phone

A - *laughs* ok

I called her and put her on speaker



Y - mama I forgot to tell you that I have to tutor this kid at the library and its mandatory so I can pass

M - why didn't you just do it at school?

Y - because I didn't have the time

M - so why didnt you tell me before

Y - because I just found out today

M - y/n you better be home before 10

Y - yes I know

M - dont give me attitude

Y - I'm sorry

M - fine behave and if anything happens call me

Y - ok bye

M - bye *hangs up*

I turned on the blue tooth and started looking for a song

A - wow is your mom always like that?

Y - yeah she is always on my ass about things and its annoying

A - well lucky for you my mom isn't as strict but she will make a big deal out of it like aww you guys are cute but yeah and my little brother comes into my room a lot also me and my older brother dont get along and always get in fights which is where most of my scars are from

Y - damn

A - yeah

After a bit we finally got to his house


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