Dream end.. 2/2

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in this dark obsidian room
only one source of light remains
Trigger warning: bombs.. and everything else.. You should know if you don't then don't blame me.

Today's the day. The day Tommy goes back to Pogtopia and Tubbo, the day he finally is able to go back to his normal life. Or at least... as normal as a child soldier's life can be.

But Tommy doesn't find himself worrying at all. He has Dream on their side, hasn't he? He can round up their army, make plans and get resources, set a date, and finally overthrow Schlatt and his cronies. He can do it, he knows he can do it. He's made strategies before, lead people into battle, fought more wars than any of the people on the server. This isn't new to him at all.

Then when everything's over, he can live in peace with Dream, Tubbo, and the rest. The happy ending to his tragic story.

Confusion immediately hits him like a truck when he doesn't wake up to the soft morning light that would stream through his windows or the chirping of the birds perched on the tree outside. It's pitch black everywhere and Tommy tries to put his hands in front of his face, but there's nothing there but black.

"D-Dream?" Tommy's voice wavers. He feels the bed beneath him to get a good grasp of his surroundings, and slowly pushes himself off the bed. "Dream? I–I can't see anything! Where are you?"

His voice echoes back and the anxiety in his gut is shaking his entire body. The space is too small, far too small. He hates being lonely. He hates small spaces. Where is Dream? The void only makes him feel smaller and smaller and there's a dull pounding at the back of his head.

"Can't breathe," he rasps out weakly. "Too tight, can't–!"

"Tommy? Tommy!"

A trapdoor from somewhere squeaks its existence and the light that comes from beyond it is almost blinding. Dream jumps down with a torch in hand and immediately sees Tommy wrapping his arms around his lithe body in the corner of the room. He drops the bag he held in one hand and rushes over to soothe the child.

"It's okay, Toms, it's okay. You're safe now, alright?" He rubs circles into his back and pets the nape of Tommy's neck. "You're safe underground. No one's going to find you here, you're alright with me."

"U-Underground?" Tommy asks, voice scratchy. "No– That's not– You took me here?"

Dream nods and the blonde kid has to bite his lip to keep down the frustration threatening to blow up. "You promised me that you'd fight in Pogtopia with me, though!" He exclaims, frustration evident. "You said you'd let me fight as long as you'll be there to watch me! I don't– I don't get it! You betrayed me again?"

"Tommy, you may think I'm insane, Techno a bloodthirsty soldier, but remember, Dream is just as fucked up as us. You're going to regret staying with him for the rest of your life."

Wilbur's words come back to him and Tommy's throat tightens. Was Wilbur right? Was he just betrayed again? Not again not again not again not againnotagainnotagain—

"Oh, Tommy," Dream coos and tilts his head up so he can take a closer look at Tommy's tear-stricken face. The torch's flames flicker and set his pitiful face aglow. "I'd never betray you, you know that? I'm trying to protect you! Manburg just released Punz and the rest on Pogtopia and Pogtopia has no resources to fight back with now that Techno is gone. It's not safe for someone as weak as you to go back out there!"

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