Wilbur/techno end 2/2

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happily ever after is up to the actors, not the people around them.
tw// child abuse, bruises, scars, graphic description of violence
"Let me go with you!" Tommy demands, stomping down his foot like an angry toddler. Techno adjusts his axe on his shoulder and sighs, looking down at his brother.

"You know I can't Tommy." Creator, how Tommy hates it when Techno talks to him like he's a child. He's a big man, damn it, but no one in this household seems to acknowledge that. "There's plenty of mobs outside and I can't risk you getting hurt."

Tommy rolls his eyes at him. "I've been in wars, Technoblade! Do you really think some stupid mobs are going to hurt me?"

There he goes again, pulling the war cards. Techno wonders when Tommy will ever learn that wars don't make him mature. He's about to reject him again, but Phil speaks up from the kitchen.

"Let him go with you, Techno." Phil smiles at him. "Your brother's been bored from being shut inside this house and I think he needs some fresh air if he doesn't want to go crazy."

Techno is hesitant, but he decided to let Tommy join him on his hunt. The day is short, Tommy taking up the silence with the conversation-having skills that seemingly hasn't gone away after all that. Though he might be used to hunting in silence, he's happy for the companionship and entertainment he normally doesn't get to have.

But when night falls, the blonde child grows silent, pricking his ears for any signs of mobs nearby. Techno sees the child's face turn into that of a soldier's, clearly too used to being on patrols and watching out for any signs of an ambush. It makes Techno feel a mixture of both angry and grief, because his brother didn't deserve to be molded into this kind of person.

Techno moves a little bit forward with his torch raised to light up the way. Their way back home is full of rocks and stones and branches that could snap and alert any mobs at any given moment. Tommy is still not fully healed yet, and he needs to hurry back home as soon as he can.


Tommy's sudden cry makes Techno immediately turn around in a panic. "Tommy?" He calls out, eyes searching in the dark for his brother. His heart immediately starts pounding in his chest when he can't find him. "Tommy? Where are you?"

"H–Here!" Tommy calls out. Techno quickly heads to the direction of his voice. "I'm fine, I'm just–!" Techno breaks through the bushes, eyes widening at his brother sprawled out on the ground with a bloody knee.

A shadow looms over him, Techno rushes to protect him.

But the zombie is nearer and poses much more threat than it usually would with a stone sword in hand. It strikes at Tommy's leg and he lets out a blood-curdling scream. Techno's vision turns red.

His vision is blurring, the growls coming from underneath his breath sound louder and more animalistic, the earth is swaying, and so is Tommy, who stares up at him with teary blue eyes. The blood... The blood that pools from his legs and the zombie poised to stab him clean through the ribs burn into his brain... and the voice starts chanting louder and louder at the back of his mind.

blood for the blood god. protect tommy. blood for the blood god. protect the child. protect your brother. protect your kin. blood for the blood god.

It's at this point where Techno is barely human anymore and Tommy is forced to watch as his brother starts ripping into the zombie with wild abandon.

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