"It's the least I can do." Boscha mumbled out. Although she wasn't a very affectionate person, Boscha was still relieved that the other girl had gotten more comfortable around her.

"What were you doing out here all by yourself?" She asked as she began to pick the flowers around them and then weaving the stems together.

Boscha plucked blades of grass one by one. "I was just taking a walk to clear my head, but I guess I ended up here somehow." 

"Hmm maybe your concussed?" Willow said, peering at her head where she had been hit. "Signs of concussions can show up later on..." 

Boscha chuckled, "I don't think I have a concussion Dr. Park, but my thoughts do feel fuzzy when I-"

"Dizziness is a sign of concussions!" Willow replied, laughing at her new nickname. 

"I'm sure I'm alright Dr. Park, thank you anyways."

Willow placed a flower crown upon Boscha's head that she had made just moments before. "Hmm, if you say so."

Boscha held still as Willow adjusted the crown. "Err- um thanks."

"You look so pretty!" Willow exclaimed.

"You too- I uh- I mean, thank you..!" Boscha said with a nervously happy look. "Ah what am I saying?!" She flopped down flat on the grass holding her face.

Willow lied down beside her, "Looks like you're burning up too, haha. Now you have a concussion and a fever??!" 

"Ughhhh, why are you so annoying?!!" Boscha turned her face the other way so Willow wouldn't see her blush. 

"Perfectly annoying, you mean?" Willow replied with a smirk. 

"I hate you." 

"No you don't."


"Do you?"

"No, of course not."

"That's good, I'm glad."

"I think quite the opposite is happening though."

"You love me?"

Boscha adruptly sat up, "As a friend I mean!! I don't think I'm into girls." She immediately regretted speaking aloud those last two sentences from out her mouth.

"You think, or are you afraid of your parents reaction?" 

Boscha hesitated, "I- I don't really know... but I can't stop thinking about this one person and it's so stupid and weird. I hate it!!" 

The plant witch was surprised of hearing Boscha's struggle with her love life, she didn't think the girl could possibly care for someone else besides herself. "Boscha you shouldn't have to be afraid of loving someone your parents may or may not approve of." Willow said gently, "You should shoot your shot."

"I don't know...They probably hate me, and I'm not entirely sure about my own feelings."

Willow intertwined her hand with Boscha's. "You don't have to know immediately. And you don't have to rush yourself into things either."

"I want to know now..." Boscha gave her hand a soft squeeze. "Please tell me."

"I don't know if I can tell you, nevertheless give you an answer you're looking for." Willow didn't understand why she was asking her of all people.

"Then show me..." Boscha whispered leaning closer towards Willow. "You're the one making my thoughts all fuzzy after all..."

       Boscha's body ached to fill the little space between them, but she stopped herself short. The plant witch suddenly understood what she meant and who she was hinting towards. Willow noticed the girl's hesitation, so she simply pressed her lips against Boscha's closed third eye and began to pull away. The pinked-haired witch however pulled her into a hug and they fell back onto the grass once more. A cool breeze swept up at the silence between them, yet neither one moved. The cold evening air made Willow shiver closer to Boscha, so they gradually became more comfortable in the long embrace. 

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have tried that with you." Boscha mumbled warily. Why was she acting like this? The girl wanted so deprately to get up and run away, but she couldn't bring herself to.

"Don't be. You can't help it." Willow reassured awkwardly. "Feelings are weird and you haven't learned how to handle them properly yet."

"If you say so doctor." Boscha softly laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Willow tucked her nose under Boscha's chin. "I never knew you were so cuddly."

"You're always cold all the time. I'm just giving you some warmth so you won't freeze."

"Uh huh, sure." Willow played with the buttons of Boscha's jacket. "Definitely not because you've lacked affection throughout most of your life." 

"And I guess you're willing to make up for all that time?" Boscha said as she breathed in the plant witch's comforting scent.

Willow thought for a second, "Hmm... maybe if you stop downplaying your feelings."

"I'm not. I just don't know how to deal with these dumb feelings. I mean who am I kidding?! To think that you would fall in love with me, your ex-bully turned good all of a sudden. What a joke..."

"Your feelings aren't dumb." Willow replied firmly. "Although I've grown to like this side of you a lot and maybe someday I'll give you a chance. I don't think now is the right time though."

"Yeah... I thought so." Boscha spoke glumly.

"It wasn't a no."

"But it wasn't a yes."

Willow sighed, "It was a not yet."

"I don't like waiting." Boscha shifted her body so that she looked directly at the plant witch. "You'll meet someone better than me and I won't get my chance."

"You said you weren't into girls though."

"I-" Boscha began to get flustered. "I'm into y-you."

"I'm joking with you" Willow giggled. "You made that much obvious."

"No I didn't!"

"You whisper to yourself about me and you think I can't hear you."

A low rumble sounded from Boscha's throat. "Whatever..."

"Don't be upset," Willow smiled, "and you don't have to worry about your chances."

"Things change too fast for you or me to be sure."

"Then let this be a promise..." Willow moved in quickly as in not to be awkward and planted a kiss upon Boscha's cheek. "You can have my first kiss." 

★To be continued!★

Word count: 1605

A/N: Ahhhh! To be honest, it really seems like Boscha is a total tsundere. Haha, I can't be the only one who thinks this! Anyways, thanks for reading! Stay safe.

I hate that I don't hate you (Boschlow fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now