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Hey so this is my second book and I hope you like it! Half of it is going to be about sabre's past and the other half is just present day. But sabre's past is probably going to be near the end idk yet. Like I said in "my dear brother" book I will do art for the characters and.... YOU CAN BE IN HERE TO! just ask and subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on tiktok. Annnnnnd you have to be following me up here too. So yeah. And there will be an art book too.
  ~about the au~
So in this au sabre is half demon half angel. Entity 303 and herobrine are his parents. He will have three brothers: Bryan (TheFamousFilms) moose and shark. Netherbrine and enderbrine are sabre's uncle's. I won't spoil anything else! Hope you enjoy this book! Have a good day/afternoon/night! Bye my Wolfie's! Wolfena out UwU
(Still need to make a cover T^T)

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