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I threw back my head and laughed as Nadia held up yet another god-awful dress she'd yanked from my suitcase.

" all you brought?" She cocked a delicately arched eyebrow, staring with disdain at the worn fabric. I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you I mixed up the cases! I know I always pack pretty last minute but I'm not that bad."

"Why did you even bring this?" Was her only reply, picking out an old, oversized t-shirt covered with paint.

"I don't know, I panicked - don't look at me like that, I've never been a light packer even for holidays and you never know when you're gonna need something."

She laughed, balling up the top and throwing it back in the case.

Nadia had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Her mum had been my uncles neighbour when we were kids and the first summer I went to stay with him in America, she'd come right up to me and demanded that we be best friends. From then on, we were inseparable.

"You'll just have to wear something of mine until your other case gets here."

"Knowing my luck, it'll never arrive."

I got up from the bed and walked over to her closet, eyes skimming across the sea of colours. Man, she had some nice clothes.

"Whose party is it anyways?" I asked, picking out a silky black dress and holding it up to my body.

"Some guy I met at work, seems nice enough, I think he's the year above us."

"Can't you go anywhere without getting asked out?"

"Nope." She replied with a grin, bending down to rummage even further into my suitcase. "Oo, what about this?' Her tone was teasing as she pulled something lacy and pink from the bag.

"That's literal underwear." She scowled.

"You English are no fun." I laughed again, continuing to flick through her wardrobe.

"What're you wearing?"

"Something sexy."

"Shocker," I sighed, "I can't choose, there's too many options."

She scoffed, pushing me out the way as she pulled out a pair of shorts and a fitted top.

"Try this on." I shrugged out of my clothes and slipped the top on, checking the fit in the mirror.

"It's great thanks. I love this colour-" I was interrupted by someone banging on the door.

"Nadia! I've been waiting for hours would you hurry up?"

"I'm coming baby!" She shouted, tripping over her feet slightly as she approached the door. Nadia's energy had always been contagious, and that, along with her glowing brown skin and deep brown eyes, made her a people magnet. She was the smartest person I'd ever met and on top of that she was beautiful, the kind of beautiful that attracted other beautiful people; that's how we'd met Prince. He'd moved to the states from Barbados when we were fifteen and she'd fallen in love with him the second she set eyes on him and luckily enough, he was as kind as she was smart.

"Jeez, what took you so long?"

"Mila had nothing to wear. We want her to make a good impression, don't we?" Prince looked me up and down before nodding appreciatively.

"You've done a good job." I grinned, running over and pulling them both into a hug.

"I missed you guys."

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