Chapter 10

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Fury' s P.O.V

When I got to Ghost's room there were guards everywhere and Light Fury Nurses...


👻Ghost's P.O.V👻

Before the guards got there...

I was on the ground...

I was badly injured...

"You lasted longer then I throught you would" The King of the Wolves said

The King of the Wolves was about to bring down his sword or swords, I can't tell, when the guards showed up and saved me. I smiled, Fury did what I told him to do. (If you're wondering where Shadow is... He was thrown a cross the room) A nurse came over to me.

"Stay awake! Stay awake, Princess!" She said

I tried staying awake but I fell unconsciousness...

Fury's P.O.V

I ran inside Ghost's room and found her on the floor, with a nurse treating her. I walked over and sat beside Ghost.

-Time Skip-

👻Ghost's P.O.V👻

I woke up to someone saying my name.

"Yes?" I ask, sitting up

"Ghost!" What sounded like Fury yell

Then Fury hugged me

"Ai-Air..." I say

"Sorry" Fury says and let's go

"You guys she's awake!" Fury yells

Then Mom, Dad, Shadow, Frost,  and Fire come in.
I hope you enjoy this chapter
Tell me of any mistakes I made
I updated this book on Wednesday
Also 222 Words

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