What If They Were Your Father (Part I)

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"The food's ready, Papa." You softly informed, smiling cheekily.

Kagami Taiga glanced at you and smiled too. "Oh, really? Thank you, [Name]. I'm really hungry."

You eagerly pulled him up and dragged him towards the dining table, hugging his masculine arm. "I cooked you curry. I hope you'll like it."

He sat down infront of the table, only to drop his jaw at the sight of your "curry". The exact copy of his former coach' curry. "T-This is.."

You tilted your head to the side and stared at his petrified look. "Papa? What's wrong?"

"H-How did you make this? Did your Aunt Riko came for a visit again and gave you her own recipe?" He asked flabbergastedly, he was more like terrified than surprised actually.

"She didn't. I just tried making you some since you are so good at cooking and I want you to know that I really admire you for that." You confessed, fiddling with your fingers at the back.

Your father was the best for you. He was good at almost everything, especially in taking care of the family. And you wanted to marry a man someday that's exactly like him.

Kagami smiled and extended his hand to ruffle your hair. "Do you want me to teach you how it's done?"

"Eh? Is this not good?" You asked, down and quite disappointed.

"It smells good but you really have to cut the vegetables. You can't eat them in whole." He explained gently, standing up and checking your hands. "How did you get so many cuts when it seems like you didn't even bother to use a knife?"

You pouted your lips. "Mou.. I tried cutting the vegetables but I kept on wounding myself. So I got fed up and put them in whole inside the pot instead."

At that, he chuckled and ruffled your hair again. "Let's put some band-aids on these wounds then I'll teach you how to cook curry properly, okay?"

You beamed and chuckled happily. "Okayy~"

"You're not suited to be a wife yet, [Name]. So refrain from dating anybody for now." He lectured, stood up and walked towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

When he came back, you decided to tell him the truth. "But Aomine-kun is cute, Papa. He confessed to me the other day too."

Kagami went still and blinked his eyes a couple of times. Then he popped a vein and fished his phone out of his pocket. He dialed a number and the instant his call was answered, he yelled at his phone.. much to your sweatdropping.


♥ ♥ ♥

- Kise Ryouta -

You were inside a mall together with your father, Kise Ryouta. It was Sunday and since he didn't have a flight, he took you to the mall. Well, more like forced you to go to the mall with him.

It's not like you didn't want to be with him, it's just that his fangirls were annoying. They were everywhere. Even though your father was already a married man, he still had a community of hyper-active fangirls.

"Where do you want to go, [Name]cchi?" He asked you cheerfully, adjusting his disguise sunglasses.

A smile curled up your lips as you stared at him. He was still so handsome and even though he's quite annoying sometimes, you were actually proud he was your father. "I want new jeans, Dad."

He nodded his head in agreement as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer towards him. "Sure sure, then we could go to the Salon after. Do you want a make-over?"

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