8 - harry

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- Hello, I'm Harry!

- Well, hello Harry. Niall told me you were coming - she opens the door, giving me space to enter the house. - He is upstairs in his room. First door on the left, honey.

- Thank you, Misses Horan. Your house is beautiful - I smile at her, identifying where the stairs were and going towards it.

I go up the staircase and turn on the hallway so I was facing the half open door where Niall room supposedly was. I knock, waiting for him to respond.

- Harry! You came fast - Niall fully opens the door, welcoming me in. I notice that his hair is wet, probably from showering, and he is wearing a washed up blue jeans and a white shirt. Not that I paid attention or anything.

- I actually live pretty close - I smile at him, entering the room.

- Cool. Sorry for the mess, I'm barely ever home - he smiles back, sitting on his bed.

- It's okay, mine's worse - I stand, staring at him awkwardly, not really sure what I'm supposed to do.

- You can sit, if you want - he breaks the silence after some seconds.

I get the chair of his study table and turn it to him, sitting on it and putting my backpack on the ground. For about a minute, the whole mood was completely awkward.

- So... do you want to start? - he looks me in the eye, getting his script from his bedside table. I guess he realized I was feeling weird.

- Yeah - I let go of the air I apparently was holding, feeling a little bit more relaxed and getting my script too.

- So, last class we basically went over the entire script and everyone talked about their interpretation of their character, how they identified with them and how we would approach the acting.

- So it was a busy class.

- Yes - he laughs, but in a comforting way. - Val will probably want to check up on you next Monday, to be honest. But you will be okay.

- If you say so - I laugh along, watching him for a couple seconds before looking back at the papers.

- She basically made some notes about important parts of our character developments, and told us next week we will officially start the acting.

- Already? It went by so fast! - I said, honestly surprised.

- Right?! So... do you want me to explain the notes and stuff?

- Please, yes!

- Okay. About your character, she basically said that his biggest growth was opening himself for adventures and himself more, because of Jacob's influence and everything. That there is a visible change in him throughout the play, like... getting out of shell - Niall says, and I can't help but laugh. - Her words, not mine, okay? - he laughs along.

- Okay, okay. I got it, I think.

- Great. Val also talked a little about our characters relationship and, to say the least, she seems really proud of her writing. She's excited. I am too, honestly - he smiles, and I can't help but smile back.

- Me too - I pause for a second, as we have eye contact. - So, was that all?

- That I can remember on that top of my head, yes.

- Do you mind going through the script? 

- No, not at all.


- That was it. I think I'm officially ready for Monday.

- Let's hope we both are - he smiles, laying down on his bed and putting his script back on his bedside table.

- So, I think I'm-
I was interrupted by his phone ringing.

- Sorry - he picks his phone, answering the call - Yes?... Oh, hi... I told you I would call but yes, it's over... Okay... I'll be ready... See you then - he turns off, taking his phone away from his ear. - Sorry, you were saying?

- I was just gonna say I think I'll go now...

- I'll keep you company, then. I'm also leaving - he stands up, walking towards me and getting his backpack from the table behind me, making us kind of close for a second, which for some reason made me nervous.

- Oh, okay - I grab my things, following behind him as we go downstairs.

- Mom, I'm leaving. I'll be back tomorrow - he says loudly so his mom would hear, I suppose.

- Okay, honey. Take care - she goes towards us, smiling. - Great meeting you, Harry. Come by whenever you want!

- Thank you Misses Horan - I smile sympathetically.

I watch as Niall opens his front door, mentioning for me to go first and I nod, thanking him. We go to his front porch and he closes the door behind him.

- Thanks for helping me today - I say in a lower tone, looking blankly at the street, feeling his stare at my neck.

- No worries, you helped me too - He smiles, and I turn just in time to catch it. - I would offer you a ride, but I'm not sure if there will be space.

- It's okay, I'm walking. I live just a few blocks away.

- I can keep you company, if you want.

- You don't have to...

- But I would love-

As he was talking, a motorcycle slowly comes up to his porch. The driver parked, taking of his helmet revealing, to my surprise, Liam.

What the hell is he, of all people, doing on Niall porch at 7 pm on a school night?!

- Oh, I'm sorry - Niall frowns, putting his backpack on both of his shoulders, still looking at me. - Next time?

- Sure.

- Hey Niall - Liam hands Niall a helmet, then looking at me. - Did I interrupt something?

- Not at all - I respond, staring at the both of them.

- See you on drama club? - Niall says, getting in the bike behind Liam.

- Yeah.

- Bye... Harry? - Liam says, unsure of my name. I can't help but get annoyed at that, but nod anyway.

- Bye.

Liam start the bike and I see they drive off, with Niall hugging his waist as he speeds up.

Since now I'm annoyed, I guess a walk really can't hurt.


Thanks martinaboringhieri for keeping up with the book and always giving a star to the chapters!

I hope you guys are enjoying so far...
More exciting things coming!

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