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Getting a part in the school play has never been so easy. Or so I thought.

For the first time ever, at least in a small city like mine, the yearly school play would feature a gay couple as supporting roles. Not the main plot, which would be a forbidden straight couple, but as close as one could hope so. I mean, the times are new and homophobia isn't cool anymore, so it was about time!

Everyone seemed a bit excited about it, truth. But, of course, anyone wanted to play the parts. Not even the gays! And there is at least a hand-full of them in the drama club. Plus, there is straight guys that barely get any good parts and try for everything they can, even trees; not even they wanted.

So that brings us to me and my boyfriend. He is in the drama club, I'm not. He thought it would be cool if we did this together and, well, I couldn't say no. He always asks for me to try for any small parts but there's is usually so much competition that is not worth trying, since I would probably not get it. This time is different, there isn't any competition, so why not?

That brings us to now. The list had been posted and apparently I got the part, but instead of my boyfriend, someone called Niall got his part. How could this end bad, right?

Hello beautiful people!
Hope you like it <3
By mary ;)

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