Approaching myself and the Argent family, the man walked with a sense of prestige. Was he another hunter? "Christopher." He said, hugging Mr Argent as a welcome.


Allison and I were front row, he walked past us to greet her mother as I grabbed her hand squeezing it comfortingly. She mirrored the action, sending me a small smile as he approached the two of us now.

"Do you remember me?"

Allison nodded ever so faintly, she was clearly uncomfortable. "Considering you haven't seen me since you were three I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me Grandpa."

Papa Argent in town, how fucking great.

"So if it's comfortable call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." he finished, smiling before turning to me. "And who might you be?"

"Arabella, sir. I'm a close friend of Allison's." I sent him a small smile as he took my hand to shake it. "My sincerest condolences for your loss."

He sent me a grateful nod, removing his hand from my grip before taking the seat the other side of Allison. I watched as her gaze fell towards a headstone not too far away, I followed, only to find a crouched Scott and Stiles.

Stiles sent me a nervous smirk as Scott waved at Allison subtly. In return, I nodded my head slightly, returning to face the coffin displayed in front of us.

I felt Allison's grip loosen slightly as the funeral began, trying to calm herself. I understood. The last funerals I attended that affected me to this extent were Jackson's and Cami's, although they were a while ago now, I missed them both oh so dearly. In fact, every year my family organise a parade through New Orleans, one in which everyone from every faction takes part. Honouring the memories and celebrating the lives of the beautiful souls we lost along the way.

I don't know what it was, but something set me off, I felt overwhelmed being back in this position. Not wanting to make a scene, and with Allison's permission, I excused myself, and somehow not long after found myself on Scott and Stiles' trail..

- - -

"Woah woah woah. Your fighting werewolves without me? How could you Scotty?" I mocked in fake disappointment, gripping the jacket of a long haired shaggy wolf. I was making my way to Stiles, by some ambulance covered in blood when I zoned my hearing in to hear deep growls. "Can't stay out of trouble can you? Who is this?"

The werewolf stood hunched over, staring between the two of us before running away. "Wait!" Scott called hesitating before turning about to run after him. "Go get Lydia, I'll chase him."

I nodded, heading back towards the original crime scene in a flash, making my way over to the Sherriff and his son in a moments noitice. I kept continuously scanning the area as the two conversed, "Arabella?" The sheriff asked, looking at my outfit in concern. "I thought you were at the Argent funeral?"

"I was originally. I excused myself when it got a little overwhelming."

"overwhelming? what happened?" the younger Stilinski queried, like his father, his tone laced with concern.

"Oh no everything's fine, I've just never really dealt well with funerals that's all." I smiled, reassuring the two the best I could. "I'm okay really, I wanted to be there for Ally it just brought too much back."

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now