Protector Trial: "Keep You"

Start from the beginning

All of them started shouting about the male race. The scum they are. Disrespecting pigs, etc. Before I could say anything, Zoe came to my aid.

"Girls SILENT!!" She yelled. At once the whole camp went quiet. She continued "I understand your concern sisters. You know me well and also know my past with males. But trust me on this. Milady and I personally interrogated him. As hard it is for me to say, I admit that boy has gained our respect. I understand your concern since you have not seen him in flesh and blood. But trust me on this. If anybody has to be the Protector, I say he has earned the right to prove himself. We made him swear to not view the hunters in any way that we may not approve and Milady has already pledged to send him to Tartarus shall the need arise. So I expect all of you to at least give him a chance as he arrives tomorrow since Zeus will anyway assign us one regardless we like it or not."

Stoically, she continued "So Girls, shall we give him a chance in the coming week? I need a yes right NOW!"

Grudging and groaning, all of them said yes and were about to turn and go away when Zoe spoke again "Why so glum sisters? I never said we can't prank him; the only conditions being we can't kill or castrate him."

As soon as she said this all the girls grinned evilly and started whispering among themselves.

I gave Zoe a grateful nod and declared it a day while I myself returned once again to my tent. After I changed and lied down on my bed I began wondering about the day and what will happen tomorrow when the hunt meets Perseus. As I was thinking, I soon slept into the realm of Morpheus.


3rd person POV

It was 7 in the morning when the hunt gathered in the dining tent. Most of them evidently restless from the anticipation of meeting Perseus, not because they were looking forward to a visit, rather they were excited because they would get to prank him hard.

After breakfast, Artemis and Zoe set out for the spot they had Perseus to meet them at. When they reached they couldn't see him. They assumed it was too early so they decided to wait while speaking about how lazy and undisciplined the male race is. As time passed and soon it was an hour since they reached the spot, they started to get angry.

"I guess I was wrong. He is one of those male scum. Lazy and Ignorant. He shall face severe punishment for making me wait" grumbled Artemis in an irritated tone.

"So he is just another insolent--" Zoe abruptly stopped speaking and grew pale. This was enough to catch her mistress' attention. Seeing that Zoe had Artemis' attention, she pointed towards a lot of red liquid pooled on the ground near the bush across the meeting spot. As they walked over to inspect, their worst fear came was indeed...BLOOD...Perseus' Blood.

They frantically looked around and finally saw that it was not the only pool of blood. Small patches of them lead the duo towards another clearing. What intrigued them was the presence of another pool...except it was Ichor. They ignored the Ichor for the time being and burst into the next clearing.

What they saw was something they were highly unprepared for. Leaning on a rock was a very battered and bloodied son of Poseidon, namely Perseus. He had a gaping hole near his abdomen which was still leaking blood, while his whole body was covered in cuts like the ones you get fighting a spear wielder. There was a deep gash on his forehead. His bloodied face was pale from the blood loss. Near him lay a pair of shattered twin swords, one of whose shards was sticking out of his right thigh. There was also a broken spear lying some way near the other end of the clearing. Seeing his condition both of them rushed to his side to help him; male or not it was a natural tendency to help the wounded. Before they could do anything, sensing their presence, Perseus seemed to regain consciousness and breathed in a painful breath, coughing up a lot of blood. Yet again before they could react, Perseus very painfully dropped into his special bow. His eyes were dull from pain and couldn't focus. Forcing himself to smile, he told them, "Miladies, Gration tried to ambush your camp. I tried my best to hold him off, but he was too powerful. But I managed to harm him enough for him to not show up for the next century. I am sorry that I caused you to worry because of my injuries. Just put me in water and I shall be fine."

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