Ch 11 - Invasion Prevention

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He's starting to sweat...



He's shaking...


"Okay look i know i don't have the Sherlock vibes but can you at least stop staring at me like that?" he finally broke the odd silence between us "Seriously, your giving me like, death stares or something!" I quickly looked at Noelle who was sobbing a little "No more... no more..."

"What did you do to her?" He turned around and leaned on the couch "I stretched her arms, you know that stretching regimen where you uh... how do i explain it...? here let me do it to you" he started to walk to my back and sticked his back with mine "First you do this, and then you lock arms" out of nowhere his arms locked with mine, i-i haven't prepared myself yet...! "and then you do this!" L-let me calm my heart down for a se-


"Sheesh! not so loud Lumine!" 

m-my.... my b-back....

"See? That's what i did to Noelle! isn't it nice?" my body fell to the floor... i couldn't move "I-it hurts..." i spoke in pain as i rolled over to see the ceiling "Sheesh, you two are making such loud noises, give me a sec" I could hear him say before i saw part of his flag in my point of view "Imitation: Healing Aura" I heard him say before a green mist covered my vision

Slowly the pain in my back started to disappear and i was given a rush of energy "Is your back good enough?" His head appeared in the corner of my eye "Yeah... Next time can you not do that so suddenly?" i slowly stood up from the floor "Ah! Don't you have somewhere to be?" 


Ah! i almost forgot! "Thanks for reminding me! Talk to you later!" I quickly turned around and ran through the door as fast as possible, while running to our meeting point i started to wonder one thing...

Where did Paimon go...?

[ Back at the Headquarters 

"Ugh.... Paimon doesn't want to suffer anymore... and its all because of Flag man!" Paimon tried to hold her head to wake herself up but found unable to "Eh...? Why can't Paimon move?!" 

suddenly, light shined down on her face, causing her to close it immediately "Oh there you are Paimon! why are you locked in here?"

"Paimon doesn't know, why don't you ask yourself Flag man!"

"...oh yeah i locked you up here for no reason..."


[ No one's POV ]

(Y/N) stood over the bridge which was filled with Guards armed for war "To think they'd attack while Lumine and the others are out... this is totally planned" He muttered but grinned after "Although they seemed to be misinformed as there's one that has loads of Firepower in here..."

He looks at Klee with a smile 'I just have to buff her till her attacks are literal nukes but...' he then turns around to see the hills 'her bombs might cause a lot of craters to appear in the hills...' he sighs and shakes his head "Heeeey! (Y/N)!" Amber shouted as she ran back to the group "Sitrep?"

"Huh? Sitrep?"

"Situation Report"

"Oooooh!" Amber opened her mouth in amazement "Err anyways! It's bad news!" i tilt my head "What kind? Super duper or super?" i asked which made her nod "Both! There's a lot of them! and some are giants!" This got my attention, the big ones? 

Flag Of Hope ( Genshin Impact x Male Reader ) [ Stopped ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin