Zev pulled up to the last light before the parking lot. It turned amber just before we got there. Zev being a law orbiting citizen stopped. Maybe I made a sound of discomfort or something, but he turned to me, amused but concerned. "You alright there buddy?" He smiled. I glared at him. I didn't mean to, I am just stressed. "Geez sorry. You're angry when you have to pee. Why have I never seen you like this before?"

I'm not angry, more embarrassed than anything. "I'm not angry. J-just in a lot of discomfort." The light turned green and he hit the gas. Thank god.

"We'll be back in like 2 minutes. Just, hang tight." With two agonizing minutes gone by I was running out of Zev's car and up the stairs to my apartment, fumbling with my keys on the way there.

I didn't even close the door behind me when I got into my place, just ran into the bathroom and whipped out my dick.

Relaxing my muscles I let it all flow out. I stood with a sigh. That was a fucking close one.

I pissed for like a solid 30 seconds. I flushed tucking myself back into my gray jeans. There was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Hey Jasper, umm I'm gonna go to class now, but you wanna meet up later before the party at Cole's?" I washed my hands quickly but thoroughly.

I pushed the door fully open as I hadn't shut it all the way and Zev was looking back at me. "Yeah sure, we're walking through, I doubt anyone will be sober to drive us back. Plus it's like 10 minutes away."

"That's cool with me. You wanna meet at my place at 8 ish, then we can head out?" He leaned against the door frame. I should enjoy these moments, because if he goes after that girl he likes tonight, our friendship may never be the same again.

"Yeah sure. Make sure you eat before I get there ok? That dinner is still in the fridge, so eat that. Now go, you're late for class, very late." I shoved him, to my now closed front door. He laughed on the way there.

"Yeah yeah, you're late too. Never thought I'd have to say that to you." He tapped me on the cheek. "Ok bye, see you at 8." He opened the door and walked off.

"Okay, bye. See ya." As he was walking away, he raised his hand, waving goodbye.

Shutting the door I looked over at the clock on my stove and it read 10:03. I'm actually late and I didn't get to eat breakfast. I should have given Zev some leftovers to eat while he was on his way to class. Maybe he'll pick something up.

I had been 15 minutes late to class. No one even batted an eye when I walked in, not that I have any friends in this class. I sat down at my seat and pulled out my laptop to take notes. We were currently being lectured on law and constitutional issues.

I so far have been loving these lectures. I have a soft spot for law. I love it, I haven't really talked to many people about this but, after I get my BA, I'm going to try to get into law school. I've already started looking at LSAT test dates, and have been studying for months now.

It's going to be expensive, so I'll have to figure that out. I work full time in the summer, usually at coffee shops, calm places like that. I tried the fast-food business one year and never again. It was awful. If I had a dollar for how many times a customer tried to assault me I wouldn't have had to work that shitty job.

My mom back home has money saved up for my schooling, I told her to keep it and I'd pay for my BA as much as I could. She's the only one I've told about what I want to do with my life. I didn't even tell Zev. I should call my mum tomorrow. I haven't talked to her this week at all. I miss her.

I shut my thoughts off and paid attention as the professor started to talk. That went on for almost 3 hours, then we were dismissed.

As I was walking back to my apartment I heard someone call my name. I turned around and was faced with Ezra quickly stumbling up to me. "J-ahh-'' He grabbed onto my coat and hunched over, completely out of breath. "Jasper. Fucking hell dude," he stood up properly and that's when I saw what he was wearing.

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