Lovely Afternoon

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After arriving at the royal capital, the first thing the group did was checking-in at the Heritage inn, where they were going to stay for the next three days. Since they arrived a day before the festival, they were free to explore today.

Garfiel:[My amazin' self's gonna take off with Emilia-sama and Nee-chan. My amazin' self might be excited, but that doesn't make me forget My amazin' self's duty.]

Subaru:[Glad I can count on ya, Garfiel. What about Otto?]

Otto:[I'm gonna go meet up with some old acquaintances. Natsuki-san is going to spend time with Beatrice-sama, correct?]

Subaru:[That's right! Beako and I are gonna spend some quality time together in the place where I started off.]

Emilia:[Oh right. You came up with the whole alliance and white whale and witch cult subjugation plan here.]

Emilia tilted her head with her finger placed on her chin as she reminisced the events of the past.

Subaru:[Yeah, that and also...]

The place where I first stepped on in this new world and met Emilia.

Subaru:[Anyway! We'll set off then!]

Subaru grabbed Beatrice in his arms and waved his hand as he left.
Beatrice:[So, you enthusiastically brought Betty to the capital to meet this vendor, I suppose?]

Beatrice looked at Subaru with eyes that expressed I'm so done with you, in fact.

Subaru:[Hey hey. This man over here is no ordinary man. He's got the feat of serving as my save point guide, twice.]

Kadomon:[Hey, kid. What nonsense are ya babbling now? And everytime I see ya, ya'r with a different woman? Though this one is a girl. You trynna show off or somethin'?]

Subaru:[Geh! Now that you say it, I have come to this shop with Emilia and Rem before....]

Subaru paused for a brief moment.

Subaru:[The last time I came here, you remember that woman who came with me?]

Kadomon:[Haa? I remember someone accompanying ya. Can't remember her face for some reason.]

Kadomon thought hard but the image came out blurred and his head started aching. Subaru winced at this, which Beatrice took notice of and held his hand.

Beatrice:[Give us ten of those Appas, I suppose.]

Kadomon:[There you go. Thank you for your patronage!]

Beatrice pulled Subaru and started walking.

Subaru:[Thank you, Beako.]

Beatrice:[If you keep getting emotional at every single mention of that girl, then what will she do when she wakes up and sees that you have turned into a crybaby, in fact?]

Subaru:[Haha. I imagine her smiling and saying that she is here now, so it's alright.]

Subaru imagined Rem's smiling face and couldn't help but smile himself. It hadn't been that long since she fell into that comatose state. Which was why Subaru had been on edge regarding almost everything that reminded him of Rem.

Subaru:[Ahh. Gotta pull myself together.]

Beatrice:[So where should we go, I suppose?]

Subaru:[Truth be told, I barely have any idea about where is what, here. So let's just roam around and check the shops.]

Beatrice sighed with exasperation. They started walking towards a shop with a grandiose display of dresses.

Beatrice:[Fine, I suppose.]
Subaru:[Oooooh! Beako! You're cuteness is not something this world can handle with that dress! That's why, change out of it quickly before anyone can see you in it and fall for you.]

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