Setting off to the royal capital

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Roswaal:[Theeen, Subaru-kun and Frederica. You may each ask for anything you waaant as a rewaaard. Of course it has to beee something within myyy abilities.]

Subaru:[Then I would like you to evoke Beako's punishment.]

Subaru almost spoke immediately as Roswaal's question ended.

Beatrice:[You need not trouble yourself with Betty's punishment, I suppose. It is something Betty must do because of his failure, in fact.]

Otto:[I am still being blamed....]

Otto laughed awkwardly as Subaru shook his head at Beatrice's statement.

Subaru:[I made this whole thing to make you laugh, not to make your face look so sour.]

Beatrice's pouting face immediately turned into one of surprise.

Roswaal:[Although youur gesture is reeeally sweet, we can not evoke the penalty. Someone haaas to dooo it.]

Subaru:[Then I will do it in her stead.]

Subaru said with pride. Beatrice grew flustered thinking about how to stop him but gave up as she knew just how much of a stubborn being her contractor can become.

Roswaal:[Thaaat is completely fiiine by Me. But Frederica, you caaan not ask for the saaame thing.]

Subaru:[Thank you very much.]

Otto:[Then Natsuki-san, we shall do the penalty together!]

Subaru:[The heck do you sound so happy for?]

Subaru smiled awkwardly at an over enthusiastic Otto.

Frederica:[Hmm. Then I would like to take a few days off and meet grandma.]

Roswal:[Fiiine. You may leeeeave for three days.]

Frederica smiled brightly. Garfiel felt a bit jealous. Just a little.

Emilia:[So, what exactly is the penalty? I'm reeeally curious.]

Ram:[Whatever it is, it's definitely going to be worth watching.]

Subaru:[Sadistic Nee-sama. Why did I even suggest this? What was I thinking? Stupid me of yesterday!]

Subaru stomped his feet with tears of regret in his eyes which made everyone laugh.

Roswaal:[Yoour penaaaltyy isss....]

Drawing out his words even more than usual to create suspense, Roswaal smiled wickedly as he continued, making everyone burst into laughter. Except Subaru and Otto, obviously.
Subaru:[I seriously want to slap the me of yesterday.]

Subaru spoke with an annoyed look while frowning.

Otto:[Me too.]

Ram:[What? Barusu, I thought you liked-]

Subaru:[NO I DO NOT.]

Subaru interrupted Ram from saying some misleading things which made her say "Hah!" In her typical Ram-like way.

Beatrice:[I have to say, this is quite nostalgic, I suppose.]

Emilia:[I am still in shock. No one told me that it was Subaru. Hrmm. And all this while I stupidly believed that Natsumi-san was a relative of Subaru.]

Emilia pouted cutely which made Subaru feel a bit happy despite the cruel penalty of cross-dressing.

He adorned a gorgeous slim fit, sleeveless, black gown that emphasized his kinda feminine(?) Figure. It's not like he doesn't look like a man, it's just his short shoulders and slender body that makes him pass as a woman while wearing dresses. He wore a black wig which was tied with an orange ribbon and long black gloves in his hands. He also tried to make his mean looking eyes look less mean by using makeup. He wore long black heels too.

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