Preparations [1]

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After the formation of pairs, Subaru started explaining.

Subaru:[The contest comprises of three phases.]

Subaru showed three of his fingers and continued.

Subaru:[One is cake decorating, second is painting, and third is costume design. For each phase, we will be awarded points out of 10. Total score being 30. The theme of each phase will be declared by Ros-chi. Please take it from here.]

Subaru looked towards Roswaal, who nodded. Everyone's attention shifted to him.

Roswaal:[Aaaas the judge of this creative art contest, I shall now declare the themes of eeeeach phase. Since, this contest is also beeeing conducted for the new members' welcome, I decided the themes to bee something that will help everyone to understaaand each other.
I want you all to make a caaake that displays personality traits of you and your partner. You can pick one that is the most interesting fooor you.]

Otto:[Personality traits of each of us? That's an abstract topic.]

Emilia:[Well, if he said something like make a 12 layer wedding cake then I don't think anybody would have time to focus on anything else...]

Emilia said tilting her head while putting her finger on her chin. Subaru always found this pose of her's really cute.

Roswaal:[The reeeal challenge in this section is that you have tooo blend two different traits into harmony. Otherwise, the cake would be boootched.]

That's true. Frederica and I are completely opposite of each other. Choosing the traits that can be blend together should be our first task. And to incorporate them in a cake... this is going to be fun!

Subaru couldn't help but be excited for this challenge. It's been a long time since he had taken part in a competition. He had forgotten the thrill of competing, this made him a bit nostalgic.

Ram:[Roswaal-sama, what about the theme of the second phase?]

Growing impatient, Ram asked Roswaal to continue.

Roswaal:[Yes. The second phase, painting, shall have the theeeme of "elegance". An elegant painting, befitting to beee hung on the waaall of a noble's mansion, is what I waaant.]

Beatrice:[Another abstract topic, I suppose.]

Garfiel:[My amazin' self's not that great in these kind o' topics. So, my amazin' self's goin' ta rely on ya for that, midget. But, ya can leave th' manual work on my amazin' self!]

Petra:[Yes, Garfiel-sama. You can trust me with the planning. And my name is Petra, not midget.]

Petra pouted a bit for being called a midget. Garfiel simply laughed while clacking his sharp teeth.

Garfiel:[Yeah, ya're a midget.]

Garfiel wasn't going to change that nickname anytime soon.

Roswaal:[And for the final phase, I waaant you all to prepare costumes that wiiill compliment your cake aaand painting.]

Subaru:[Well, today we'll discuss what we're going to do and buy all the necessary things. The costumes have to be prepared today as well. From tomorrow morning, each pair will get to use the kitchen for two hours, in the sequence of the number on our strips. Which pair got 1?]

Emilia:[Us! We have the number 1!]

Emilia raised her hand and puffed out her chest while puffing out her nose in pride. Subaru couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

Subaru:[E.M.T. strikes again! Well Emilia and Ram will use the kitchen first. In the meantime, all the other pairs will work on the painting! But who will make breakfast, lunch and dinner?]

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