Praises and applause [1]

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The hall was filled with people cloaked in black hoods, while a clown stood at the center. A totally normal scene from an outsider's perspective.

Roswaal:[I suppose, Ram and Emilia-sama are going fiiirst?]

Ram:[That is correct, Roswaal-sama.]

Roswaal:[Theeen, Let's start with your caaake.]

Roswaal sat down on a seat, set up by Clind, prior to the start of the contest. In front of him there was a table covered in a white cloth.

Subaru:[Teacher isn't going to join us?]

Roswaal:[Unfortunately, Clind haaad to return, so he won't be joining uuus.]

Subaru:[Ahh, that's a shame. He did most of the housework today after all...]

Roswaal:[No need to woorry about that, I have already gaaave him his salary of two mooonths.]

Roswaal talked in his usual accent as a smile spread across his face.
Everyone stood a bit a far from the judge as Ram brought a tray with a lid covering it's contents. She placed it on the table and lifted up the lid, revealing the beautiful flower.

On the tray, was a brown cake, which seemed like it was a piece of stone taken straight out of a muddy swamp. To it's contrast, a delicate, pink lotus bloomed on top of it- which is of course made from creme.

Garfiel:[Woah. 'ts really well-made.]

Petra:[Yeah. I almost mistook it for a real flower.]

Roswaal:[This is a reaally beautiiiful cake. Now, do explain whyyy you designed it aaas such.]

Emilia nodded and explained.

Roswaal:[I see. What an inteeeresting way to express it. An admirably well done work as weeell.]

Roswaal nodded with a smile and wrote down their score on a paper fixed to a board.

Otto:[You guys sure did twist the words to your convenience, didn't you?]

Subaru:[What a typical nee-sama move.]

Ram:[Although, Ram does agree that using the essence of words, Ram can charm anyone, but this time it wasn't Ram's idea.]

Subaru:[Huh? Then are you saying Emilia-tan thought of this?]

Emilia:[That's correct! It was my idea!]


Beatrice:[We leave them together for a day, and she has already mastered the act of glib tongue, I suppose.]


Subaru cried tears of pride to see Emilia learn something new, even if it's not a really good thing, it will come handy.

Roswaal:[Nooow, present your paintings.]

Emilia and Ram both brought a canvas covered with a black cloth and placed it on the easel, also placed by the now absent Clind, present two meters in front of Roswaal. Then they pulled out the cloth to reveal the painting- a maid.

A beautiful maid holding a tray in her left hand with tea cups on it and elegantly pouring tea from the kettle with her right hand from a sizable height. The maid, was wearing the Mathers' maid outfit and looked exactly like Ram, with a few differences only like her hair color-


Subaru's irises trembled as the back of his eyes grew tremendously hot.

It was a really beautiful picture of Rem, who is currently asleep and forgotten by the world. Her posture was pretty accurate, despite no one else being able to remember it.

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