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The sunlight began to go across all over the city of Perfection, as a certain Flareon began to stir in his sleep. Fenix yawned as he blinked, doing his best to keep his eyes open as he noticed something warm and soft on top of him. He smiled softly as Shade was snoring quietly with her head on his chest. Another yawn was made as he looked up towards the other pair, a Leafeon and Espeon, as Eva rubbed her eyes with her paw.

"Morning Eva." Fenix whispered loud enough as she turned towards the Flareon.

"Morning Fenix, enjoyed your sleep?" She gestured to the sleeping Umbreon as Fenix blushed slightly, not enough for the Espeon to notice through his orange fur.

"It was great." Fenix did his best to stretch, since Shade had limited his movement.

"Uhhhh my headddd." They turned to see Vade holding his head sitting up from the floor.

"Is it back?" Vade simply nodded to Fenix as he pointed towards the kitchen.

"The medicines in the cabinet above on the end." The Vaporeon got up and walked to the kitchen, as Eva gave a confused look to Fenix.

"Great...Blights' is gonna come back too." Fenix thought to himself, unaware of the Espeon who's tail twitched slightly, reading his thoughts.

"What do you mean? What's gonna happen?" She said with worry as Fenix finally realized what she did, secretly cursing at himself.

"It's strange, they both get horrible headaches like almost in sync with each other."
"Does it happen to you too?"
"No, but I got some meds, and I need to make the drink as well." Fenix pondered to himself to double check if he had enough berries.

"Well, I can get Shade off you that way you can go make this 'drink." Eva's crystal began to glow, and so did Shade as she began to float upwards.

"Ack!!" The Flareon yelped in pain as claws were dug into his sides from the sleeping Umbreon and Eva put her back down on top of him.

"She ain't letting go anytime soon." Eva giggled as Fenix sarcastically laughed, slightly wincing as well as he felt something warm go down his sides.

"I can make it, just tell me how." Eva said as she got up and went to the kitchen.

"..alright, two cheri's, an Oran berry, grab two pills from a red bottle in the medicine cabinet, and half of a Sitrius berry." Fenix said as both Eva and Vade grabbed the ingredients needed.

"Done, now what?"
"Then, put them into the blender, and make two cups for Vade and Blight." Eva simply nodded as she did what he instructed.

"Thanks guys.." Vade said quietly as he winced at the pain he was feeling from the headache, and grabbed his cup of the 'drink' and chugged it.

"Ack!" Fenix groaned a he felt Shade's claws dig more into his sides, as the other two looked towards the couch.

"You ok?"
"Yup, just Shade dug in a bit deeper..I'm alright though." Fenix responded to Eva as Vade started feeling sick and ran up the stairs to the restroom.

"Mmmmf...Vadeeee." A sleepy Sylveon patted next to her, trying to find the warm body that was next to her a minute ago.

"He went upstair-aghh!" Fenix had been cut off from Shade moving in her sleep, and her head rested on his face.

"Awww you two look so cuteeee!" Silk said with a chippy voice as her exhaustion seemed to disappear almost instantly.

"Mmmmf! Shush! How about you go check on you boyfriend huh?" Fenix was able to get his face out from under Shade as he looked towards Silk, who blushed heavily as he smirked at her.

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