🔞Chapter 9🔞 "she called me dada"

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His p.o.v.

So for the next few weeks and months I've been spending time with Jing-mi at the house with Y/n and Namjoon.

Things are going good between all of us and I've realized finally that I don't need my addiction. My daughter is all I need.

Finally one night Y/n finally decides she trust that I'm clean and proving to her that I can be a good father. They trust me to sit with Jinmi while they go out for a romantic dinner and a movie. I'm really excited to finally spend time with her alone. But checks in every so often.

Holding her,feeding her,rocking her to sleep and singing to her. She smiles at me and finally says "dada." I feel so good that she recognized me as daddy. I'm finally doing something right in my life that hopefully will make a difference. I don't need the drugs or alcohol to feel loved. Why it took me so damn long to realize that I will never know. I was using it to mask love. To hide. I don't need to hide from anything anymore. She sees me for who I am not what I am. Her father. And for that I am thankful.

Her p.o.v.

I'm so glad he's been proving he is clean and sober and that I can trust him with her. He's come such a long way. I'm very proud of him. So I trusted him to sit with her a few hours. I hope I'm right.

When we get home from our dinner I find them both on the couch asleep. Such a beautiful picture. I couldn't resist thim for staying clean and sober for one.

Namjoon p.o.v.

I'm so proud of Jungkook for stepping up and being here for Jing-mi. I'm also so very proud of him for staying clean and sober. I know its not easy for him to admit.

Seeing them on the couch sleeping was the most precious thing I've ever seen. I'm so glad I got to see that. Like I've said I'm not trying to steal his family from him by any means. I want him to have a healthy,happy relationship with his daughter and will do everything I can to help them accomplish that. As long as he stays clean.

His p.o.v.

After she took Jing-mi from me and put her to bed in her room, we sat and talked drinking tea.

"So Jungkook, I just wanted to tell you I'm not trying to steal your family from you. I hope you know that I would and could never do such a thing. It's just she needed someone and you wern't there." Namjoon tells me trying to reassure me.

"I know. I have no bad feelings toward you for doing so. I'm glad that you were there for her when I couldn't be. Atleast It was someone I know helping her and not some creep helping raise my daughter. And I want thank you for allowing me to spend time with her and watch her today. I really appreciate it. She called me dada today. That was the best feeling ever. Like I'm finally doing something right." I admit.

"We feel you are making great progress and are trusting you. Are you continuing your meetings?" She asked me.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I? I have a bigger reason to now,not that I didn't before but I feel like she's the reason I am."

"That's great! Are you still living in the hotel?" She asked me.

"Yes. And actually, I'm am looking for a house. One that will be great for both me and her. If I get to keep her overnight.

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