Chapter 15

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I feel oddly proud of myself bc Wattpad says that it now takes 1 h and 2 min to read my book so nice. Anyway i think only 2 or 3 chapters are missing till the end and i'll be so sad when i finish. Oh and please excuse my grammar mistakes i reread the stuff as many times as possible but english isn't my first language so i might make some mistakes, sorry


It had been a week since the break up and both Adrien and Marinette were not doing so well.

The boy couldn't stop thinking about her, occasionally dropping by Marinette's house without her noticing, just looking at the balcony remembering the moments they had shared on it. He still didn't sleep much which was a big problem for his photo shoots seen as his dark circles were hard to hide. Nino had tried his best to cheer him up, but he knew that the real thing that bothered him was the fact that Adrien didn't know why she had broke things off.

Marinette had not been able to sleep without waking up because of her nightmares. She had thought that with the break up they would stop, but Chat Blanc kept tormenting her. Some nights she wouldn't even try to fall asleep, in fear of seeing him. She had also dreamt Chat a few times, she had dreamt that they were on her balcony. "I love you" the hero had said and as soon as she had confessed herself to him too his eyes had become blue and icy and she had fallen in a deep dark pit.

Tikki and Plagg were both very worried, the red and black Kwami couldn't find a way out of this situation in a way that Marinette and Adrien would be happy. She knew they were soulmates and that they would eventually reveal themselves to each other, but never in all her centuries of being a Kwami had this conundrum ever occurred.

Plagg on the other hand had much less information, but he too knew that the two teenagers were soulmates, why had the girl broken it off for no reason? That's why Plagg had decided to investigate, but he would need his Sugarcube for that.


They were in the middle of fourth period, both teenagers almost falling asleep when Plagg decided to bend the rules that Tikki had made him swear to maintain, seen as she didn't want to risk another Kwamibuster incident.

As Adrien was mindlessly scribbling on his notebook Plagg slowly crawled out of his shirt and floated down to the ground while no one was looking. He could see Marinette's purse in the floor next to her feet and so he silently flew up to it and entered.

Tikki was fast asleep, as always when her powers weren't needed. Plagg looked around the bag, it was so much warmer and softer than the boy's shirt, he had to remind the blond to get a purse for him.

Tikki was still curled up snoring lightly "Tikki" he hissed. She barely even moved "Tikki!" he repeated, but got the same reaction. "Tikki wake up!" he said shaking her. She opened her eyes wide and was surprised to see Plagg next to her.

"Plagg what are you doing her? Do you even remember the rules?" she hissed at him as he rolled his eyes. "Sugacube aren't you even half glad to see me?" she sighed, half annoyed and half happy to see her fellow Kwami. "Okay fine, i'm sorry for breaking the rules but
i'm really worried about Ad-" but before he could say his name he was blocked by his own Kwami magic and green bubbles came out of his mouth. Tikki giggled but then immediately became serious "I'm worried too but this isn't like anything we've ever seen"

Plagg looked at her confused "Why?". Tikki shook her head, she knew she shouldn't tell but she was really worried, she sighed and said "The dream Plagg, it's all because of the dream".

"The dream..?" Plagg was confused but then he remembered Marinette's screams during the night. "Many Ladybugs have gone through hell and back but this dream it's... dangerous, very dangerous"
"Wait what do you means danger-" but Plagg wasn't able to finish as the bell rang, he had to get back to Adrien.

"Good luck Sugarcube" he whispered and winked as he flew away, back in the boy's pocket.


Okay so he had to tell Adrien that it wasn't because of him but because of the dream, that would make him happier for sure, even if it might make him more worried. At the same time though he couldn't tell him how he found out.

"Plagg you've been flying around my room for an hour what is wrong with you?" asked the boy, he was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of course about his princess.

The Kwami took a deep breath "Ok so i may have realized why Marinette broke up with you" Adrien shot up "What?!".
"Clam down kid, it's kinda complicated so listen up" the boy nodded. "Okay so remember her nightmares? As a Kwami i can.." Plagg was thinking of an excuse to know this, but Adrien was so dense he might not even catch on to him "..see through people and that nightmare is the cause of a lot of trauma, it's dangerous apparently and it has something to do with you indirectly and i don't know what, i just know that it's the reason you broke up"

Adrien thought about what his best friend had just told him "Why didn't you tell me sooner Plagg? " he asked after a while. "Well I wasn't sure" Adrien narrowed his eyes "Then what changed?" Plagg was rummaging through his mind to find a good reason but luckily he was interrupted by the boy himself "It's not like it changes anything between us" he sighed.

Plagg floated next to him "At least you know you did nothing wrong". Adrien laid back down on the bed "Yeah i guess"

white nightmares-mlb-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora