Jotaro4 💙

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Ever since Jotaro went to Morioh to help out his uncle, I've been doing my normal routine without him. It gets lonely without him here with me but I manage. We face call almost every day but honestly, it's not enough. It has been so long since I've been able to be in his arms. Months have passed since I've had a good night's sleep. The dolphin plushie just doesn't feel the same as him.

But there is no time to dwell on things I cant change. Have to get back to work. Those sharks aren't going to feed themselves. Both me and Jotaro had got a job as a Marine biologist, him a higher place than me. But with him gone I had to take over his spot until he comes back so I've been using his office. It's really nice as the workers here treat me with respect now that I hold a higher title.

Lately, there has been this guy that walks by 'my' office, sometimes he even brings me lunch and stops for a chat.

My phone rang and it brought a smile to my face to see that it was my husband. I shut the door and sat back in my chair, happy to be on the phone with the love of my life.

I brought up the man that walks past while on the phone with Jotaro and his ears perked up at the description.

"Stay away from that baguette, he's just a horndog."

While he was talking I could easily see him getting angrier as he said each word. It was amusing to see him get riled up over something so simple.

"As a matter of fact, I have some Febreze in my bottom drawer on the right-hand side. Use it to repel him away from you. Not only him, any guy that tries to talk to you about anything that isn't work-related just spray them."

By the time he finished talking, I was laughing to the point of tears. On the other half, Jotaro's face was practically pushed against the phone by how close he was. I tried to reason with him on how it would be just weird walking around carrying a bottle of Febreze but he wasn't having it.

"Put it in your purse then. Then whip it out when you need to use it."

After finally agreeing to use the spray he calmed down and asked me about my day and how it has been being in his position of work for the past months.

"It has been awesome working in your spot, you get to do so many cool things. Even though I have to do more work at least it's fun. Did you know I got to feed the penguins!"

The talk continued with me ranting about how much I've been enjoying working. As I was speaking in noticed Jotaro started to zone out while looking at the camera making me pause with my speaking.

"Hey Jotaro, you ok? "


"Earth to Jotaro?"



"Why (Y/N), sorry for not knocking first but I brought you some lunch today. It's -"


When I say I burst into laughter, I mean I couldn't help it. Hearing another guy being around me while he's not here really does hit a nerve for him I guess. But I went along with what he told me to do and got the freeze.

Once I started spraying it in the guy's direction he left the room, using his hand to fan out the spray as he was walking away. As the room was quiet I could see Joot get less tense and start to calm down. He leaned back in his chair and let out a breathe was holding in. After a few more seconds of silence, he spoke up.

"I'll be home soon hopefully. I planned to stay a few more days to let jiji be with Jouke a little longer before we leave. So you won't have that much longer till you can see me again."

Jotaro spoke with a soft smile on his face. He missed being able to be with you.

"I don't know Jotaro. That Polnareff guy does make pretty good sandwiches for lunch. I might just invite him over to the house so he can show me how he makes them." I responded with a wink trying to get under his skin.

"Speak of the devil, here he goes coming back right as we speak"

That was the last straw. Jotaro stood up and called out to Mr.Joestar. Yelling in the process to make sure he heard it.

"Aye jiji go back your bags! We are going home today!!"

So I'm not dead, I've just been caught up in a really good but long story and also catching up on work. Thanks for reading. You get a headpat for making it to the end of the story. ~MommaBruno

And if you ever want to add me on discord MommaBruno#6859

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