Is this really happening!?

Start from the beginning

"I've been trying to get her to stop but it just doesn't seem to work." I sighed.

"Ma petite, that's not good! They are your friends." He scolded her.

"No only Tara is my friend, they are my slaves." She sassed back.

I couldn't help but laugh, she was literally his mini me. Mirroring his mannerisms and trying to imitate his laugh to now copying the way he scolded her. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked me pulling me aside.

"Me?" I pointed to myself still trying to wrap my head around everything.

"Yeah, you." He walked towards the balcony.

"Sure." I sputtered.

He leaned against the railing, resting one hand on the other, inviting me to come stand opposite to him.  I stood there, expecting him to start.

"So Tara is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm Tara." I smiled.

"You've been looking after Mia for how long?"

"This marks the end of two weeks!"

"Two weeks! That's an achievement, she's managed to shoo them all away within three days." He laughed.

"It takes more than fits and tantrums to get rid of me."

"She's grown so fond of you, never forgets to mention what you and she did after school every time I call her up."

"Really?" I smiled.

"Well, you've clearly got my mother's approval too." He smirked.

I stood there in silence, still trying to figure what he was going to say next. Where was this conversation leading and why is it getting so hot out here?

"Do you know who I am?" He broke the silence.

"Yeah, your Charles Leclerc. Formula one driver for Scuderia Ferrari. And today I learnt, the father of Mia."

"I suppose you follow the sport?"

"Yes I do, loved the sport since I was a kid." I beamed.

"Then I assume you must know a lot about me."

"Clearly not enough to know the child I've been looking after is yours." I said awkwardly.

He let out of a laugh and continued, "Mia, is my precious little girl with Charlotte. We had been together for 8 years, two years into the relationship we had her. We decided to get married three years later because we're already a family, I thought not much would change..."

He paused, I nodded, assuring him that I was listening. "Go on, I'm listening." I smiled placing my hand on his.

"I was wrong, marriage changed things drastically. Even though we'd been together for so long, I learned about her flaws and she learned about mine far too late, we tried to make it work but it just got worse. She had her dreams of being an architect and I had my obligations to fulfil, we fought. A lot, It was getting unhealthy. Three months ago, it was set in stone and we split." He concluded.

"Oh wow. That's heavy, I'm glad you've both decided to do what's best." I comforted him, I knew nothing about relationships. My serious relationship lasted for three months and then we realised we just weren't for each other.

"Thanks, there's one thing though that bothers me even today."

"What is it?"

"The media." He laughed, "Charlotte has moved on and so have I, she's even found herself a boyfriend."

"That's hurting you?"

"No! I don't have time for relationships. But boy is the media not okay with that, they're so nosy."

I still had no idea what the conversation had been about, he just filled me in about his whole love life. Uncertain about where this whole thing was headed, I decided to get back into the house.

"Tara wait! I haven't got to the part that I need to talk to you about."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend-"

"WHAT?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"For the media that is." He added.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I fully understand."

"I don't have the time to date someone and you have my mother's approval. Pretend to be my girlfriend, come with me to events and keep the media happy."

"You realise anyone in this place would gladly have their heartbroken by you right?" I blurted out and instantly regretted.

"You have no filter do you?" He laughed, "This is going to be fun."

"I still don't understand why you want me to do this?"

"So that the media and my mother get off my case for a while, you like watching races?"

"Yes! I watched the Monaco Grand Prix in attendance! You did a good job."

"Than you, I'll throw in paddock passes to a few races, how does that sound?"

"Wonderful! I'm still not supporting your web of lies though."

"Is being my fake girlfriend that dreadful?"

Was I really going to complain about fake dating the hottest man on the grid? No! Was I going to let go of the opportunity of getting paddock passes for free? Only a dummy would do that.

"No it's not, my fake boyfriend." I smiled.

"Well, then. Keep in touch!" He walked back into the house.

"But how-"

"I'll take your number from my mom so it all seems a little more organic." He explained.

"You came prepared."

"Not really, I heard you and Arthur talk." He smirked.

Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore attractive, he goes on to prove he's clever. Was this a terrible idea? Hell yeah! But remember, greater the risk higher the reward. At least my business degree was proving useful somewhere.

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