Is this really happening!?

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Saturday went by fast, we went over to Julia and Gabriel's for lunch and I spent the rest of my day with Mia at the hair salon.

We planned her outfit for her big day, the gifts she wanted to put in her goodie bags and making a welcome back card for her dad.

I knew one thing for sure now, she adored her father a lot. It was adorable to here her speak about him with so much admiration.

The day was finally here, it was a beautiful Sunday morning. It was a bluebird day, the breeze was pleasant and the sea sparkled brighter than ever.

I was greeted by Mia, who was already in her very cute outfit and was beaming from ear to ear. I wished her a happy birthday and gave her the present I had planned for her.

"Mamé voir! Books, I'm now a big girl! I have books." She beamed at me holding the books I had once neatly wrapped.

Pascale wouldn't let me do any work at first but then ultimately gave in, I helped her make snacks and pack the goodie bags while Mia helped her with the balloons and streamers, creating a mess. The doorbell rang, Mia dropped everything and ran to the door.

"Papa! You're here!" I heard her squeal.

"My boys are here! Tara come meet them!" Pascale called me.

I walked out of the kitchen and froze, I could not believe my eyes. I felt Pascale's hand on mine and that's when I realised it was all very real, she led me to where they were all standing. With Mia's arms tightly clasped around her father who was now carrying her.

I looked at him, still in disbelief. Our eyes met for a brief second but it was cut short with Pascale imposing me on to the other man, his brother.

"Tara, this is Arthur! He's a Formula one driver for Ferrari, he's very fast too! He's handsome isn't he?" She smiled.

"I mea-"

"Chat away you too! He's a very sweet boy!" She walked away.

This was very awkward, Charles, the man I was obsessed with not too long ago was literally in front of me. His brother, was being set up with me, what seemed like some sort of far cry dream was very real and happening. I was brought back to reality by Arthur who now rambling.

"Tara! I bet you're an amazing person but I have a girlfriend, and I love her very much." He apologised.

"No harm done!" I laughed, "Then why is she trying to set us up?"

"I mentioned to her that we fought, that was two months ago! We're good now, I hope this doesn't break your heart."

"I am not heartbroken." I assured him.

"Great! So you're helping with party prep? What should I get on?"

"Decorations, Mia's only been creating a mess because Pascale can't keep up with her." I chuckled walking back to the kitchen.

I was still jittery, Gosh they were good looking! I needed to regain composure before I came face to face with Charles, right now I could see him playing with Mia. Both of them had such big smiles on their face, it melted my heart.

Mia's guests started showing up and the party was in full swing, with a bunch of little kids running here and there, creating noise and having fun. It was time to blow the candles and cut the cake, I walked to table with her cake and candles, our eyes met again and he smiled. My heart skipped a beat. After eating cake, the kids wanted to play some more.

"My slaves! Do you want to play pass in the parcel?" Mia asked them.

"Slaves?" Charles looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

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