All is not as it seems

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"You are here to pick up Mia, yes?" Her teacher approached me.

"Yes, I'm here for Mia!" I smiled giving Mia my hand, she took it and came stood next to me.

"We need to talk about her behaviour at school, please let her parents know I'm going to have to schedule a meeting with them."

"Okay, I'll let them know."

We started walking to the salon, Mia looked like a sweet child I don't understand why her teacher said that. She was a happy child, skipping along the sidewalk and humming a song. We walked into the salon, Pascale handed me the keys and I told her what the teacher said.

"Only one complaint today?" She asked.

"Yeah, she looked very worried though."

"That's an improvement! We'll talk about it later."

I said okay and walked with Mia to their apartment, she had not spoken a word to me but just simply clung on to my hand. I opened the door and she sprinted in! Throwing her little backpack on the floor kicking her shoes off and running straight insisde.

I walked in, picking up after her, putting the backpack up right and placing the shoes. I heard a few thuds and bangs, I ran into the kitchen to see what was happening. She was standing on the kitchen counter, trying to open a cabinet.

"Mia! Get down that is so dangerous!" I yelped.

She looked at me and stomped her foot on the counter, she had a menacing smirk on her face. Oh God! This can't be the kid I picked up from school, I asked her to get down from the counter, I could not have her split her head open in the first 30 minutes of looking after her.

"You listen to me very carefully now! We are in MY house, I am the boss now!" She smirked with her arms crossed at her chest.

"Okay Mia, you are the boss now but I have to take care of you-"

"Stop speaking my slave! And hand me that jar!" She pointed at the jar full of candies in the cabinet.

My slave, I was not going to let a five year old child get away with calling me a slave. This was unacceptable! I realised this kid was a literal brat.

"No. I'm not doing that for you." I said sternly, with my hands on my hips.

"Do it! Do it right now!" She cried throwing a fit and and kicking around still on top of the counter.

Her foot slipped, she let out a yelp. My heart froze in that moment, I dived right under and caught hold of her before she could fall and hit the ground. Her eyes were widened, she was shaken and fell extremely quiet.

"Are you ever going to do that again?" I asked her after making her sit down on a chair.

"No I won't." She let out a little sniffle.

"Your Grandma made you a snack, eat that and then I'll let you pick a candy from your candy jar."

She ate her sandwich in peace, we did her homework together and then as promised I let her eat some candy. That peaceful cooperation was short lived, she was back on her feet, running through the house like a little tornado.

"It's time for my favourite show! Switch on the TV new slave!" She yelled hopping on the couch, and then running on it.

I didn't move, I was not going to get walked all over by a 5 year old. Right when she leaped to grab the remote, I snatched it away and held it high up so she couldn't reach it.

"Don't call me slave, I'm here to look after you and I'm trying to be your friend but you're making it awfully hard." I began.

"You are my-"

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