Chapter 2. 24 Hours

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Amy and Mike looked for a way out of the school but sadly found nothing yet. "It's almost been an hour and we still haven't found anything. Crap, don't tell me we're actually stuck here" said Mike. "It's fine, just calm down. We're gonna get out of here, I know it, besides, maybe someone else found something' said Amy. "Yeah you're right, sorry. I have a bad habit of losing my cool easily. I have a really poor self esteem too" said Mike. "It's ok, I don't blame you, I mean we were basically kidnapped and then told to kill each other..." Said Amy. "Yeah, this situation we're in is pretty messed up. Oh and I promise I won't try to kill you or anyone for that matter" said Mike. "Same here, I could never. By the way, why did you choose to become a youtuber?" said Amy. "Oh, well growing up I hated school. I thought it was a bunch of useless shit which caused a lot of stress and led to me getting depressed. I then started watching YouTube and it cheered me up. I decided that I wanted to be just like the Youtubers I saw, I wanted to make other people happy even when things are rough" said Mike. "Aw, that's sweet. I'm assuming you're well known since you're the Ultimate Youtuber" said Amy. "Yep, 30 Million subs, the name of my channel is MikePlayz" said Mike. "Wow, that's impressive" said Amy. "Thanks. By the way, it's been bugging me for a while, but are you that same golfer girl that placed 3rd place in the national golf tournament?" Mike asked. "Yep, that was me. Although I'm nowhere near the best in the world, I'm definitely the best in my state, and the best golf player out of everyone my age. I loved golf ever since I was a kid and I wanted to be the greatest golfer in the world...sorry, you didn't ask me that" said Amy. "It's fine, I was going to anyway. You seem pretty cool, I'd like to get to know you more" said Mike. Amy blushed and said "th-thanks, I think you're cool too"...

Jay and Rachel were walking down a hall looking for an exit together. "Hey, you think there's some secret passageway hidden inside a locker?" Jay asked. "What the hell are talking about, that's stupid" said Rachel as she dropped to the floor and started knocking on it. "What are you doing?" Jay asked. "Maybe there's a hidden passageway underground. I'm checking to see if it sounds hollow or not" said Rachel. "Why did I get stuck with the kid?" Jay asked himself. "I'm only younger by one year jackass" said Rachel. "Two for me, I got held back once" said Jay. "I don't care how much older you are than me, just do something already. I'm the only one trying to find a way out" said Rachel. Jay starts to lock pick some of the lockers and thinks 'why did I get paired up with her'...

Lucas was in a separate hallway of the school looking for a way out, and while Chloe was following him without him noticing. She trips and falls, blowing her cover. "Ow!" Says Chloe as she hit the floor. Lucas stops and turns around to see her. He walks up to her and helps her up and asks "were you following me the whole time?" "Y-yeah, sorry. Please don't be mad at me" said Chloe. "I'm not mad, I'm logical, but I'm still lazy. I am the Ultimate Underachiever after all, so I'll let it slide if you tell me why you followed me without me knowing. You can understand from my point of view why that would be suspicious right?" Said Lucas. Chloe nods and says "I wasn't trying to kill you, I'm just scared. I want to trust everyone but I can't. I followed you without you knowing to be safe. I can go search somewhere else if you want" said Chloe. "It's fine, just let me know next time. I guess you're not that threatening to me offense" said Lucas. "None taken" said Chloe, as the two continued to search for a way out...

Larry and Maxx were in the computer lab instead of searching for a way out. "Remind me again what you're doing on the computer instead of looking for a way out?" Maxx asked. "The exits could be blocked off electronically, and if that's the case, I'll use my hacking skills to get us all out of here" said Larry. "Oh ok, well I'll leave you to that" said Maxx as he left the computer lab searching for a way out on his own now. Larry continued to try to hack the system...

Midnight and Ramon were in the science lab. Searching for a way out. "Remind me again why you followed me here?" Midnight asked. "Well I thought since Lucas, Devon, and Xavier were also searching alone you might run into one of them and they'd kill you...just looking out for you ladies" said Ramon with a smile and wink. "Whatever, if you try anything funny, I will kill you" said Midnight with a scary look on her face. "Got it" said Ramon, who was very intimated by her. 'Out of everyone, why did the pervert have to follow me?' Midnight thought to herself...

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