Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic Wanda Maximoff x reader)
Summary: You have only ever dated guys, but after you had to kiss Natasha for a mission you felt things you never had before, Wanda being your best friend decides to help you realise that it's not just because Nat is a girl that you felt those things, so she kisses you. You realise you like Nat, but Nat saw you kissing Wanda so is now pissed...
Warning: Slight angst, with happy ending

*so was trying to start working on Chapter 11 of "are you ready to comply?"...but was getting no where, so decided to finish this haha*

Nat's POV

It was one of Tony's huge parties and I was behind the bar, why I was stuck here I wasn't sure, Tony just came up to me panicking that the barman had gone off or something, so he needed me to cover for them. I wasn't exactly pleased at this, having had other plans for how to spend my evening, but I didn't mind mixing drinks so I said yes. However now I had to force myself to smile, and it was taking so much of my energy not to roll my eyes at Bruce's desperate attempt to flirt with me.

Whilst he was rambling on, and I just nodded to whatever he was saying, my eyes kept flickering to Y/N, she was smiling and laughing carelessly with Wanda. I know they are close friends, but I felt an uneasy feeling. I wasn't sure why, she wasn't mine. No matter how much I wanted her to be.

I mean we had kissed once, for a mission, and now our conversations were filled with subtle touches and flirtatious jokes, but never anything more. I wasn't even sure what exactly I wanted, but I knew seeing her all over Wanda was definitely not it.

When I handed Banner his drink he thanked me and walked off, clearly noticing my mind was elsewhere at that point, but honestly I didn't care. I just stood behind the bar alone subtly glancing at Y/N from across the room, which was how I noticed that their conversation had seemingly gotten much more serious, and Wanda was focused intently to whatever was going on, before grabbing her hand and pulling Y/N away from the party. I couldn't help the feeling that seemed to boil within me when I saw them leave together, no matter how hard I tried to stuff it down.


"Wanda stop" I said laughing at my friend raising her eyebrows suggestively at me, however she didn't and kept going,

"Just admit that you like her and I will" She replied hitting me on the arm playfully, I sighed and rolled my eyes, then took another mouthful of my drink, I was too sober to discuss this.

"I don't..." I started, but I caught the look that she gave me, and gave up "I don't know what I feel" I said letting out a breathless chuckle, annoyed by my own confusion,

I had always been with men, I grew up dating guys. I mean I never even thought about another women in that way, I mean I could always appreciate Natasha's beauty though, she was the most phenomal women I had ever met, in every single aspect of herself.

Then there was the mission, and that kiss, I had never felt something like that before. Her lips were soft, so soft, but yet the kiss was rough. I felt fireworks, it sounds cliche I know, but my whole body ignited with desire. I had never felt that before, ever. I liked men, but I had never felt that kind of lust about them that I did in that moment with Natasha.

Afterwards our relationship changed, I wasn't sure why, I was testing the waters I guess. I became more flirtatious, which she didn't mind at all, in fact she came back just as hard if not harder. There were lingering touches and glances across rooms. But I didn't know what I was feeling, I didn't understand it.

"You know I can read your mind right?" Wanda said interrupting my thoughts with a smirk, and I narrowed my eyes at her angrily, but she didn't seem to care,

Natasha Johansson + Wanda Olsen One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora