A Stroke Of Luck

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Taylor has been feeling sick for a while. She thought it was just a stomach bug. She was nervous to think that she could be pregnant after the numerous negative tests she's taken, and a miscarriage. She just wasn't feeling well. She was sleeping more than usual. She had to go to the doctor, get a scan to make sure that nothing was going on. She didn't want to tell Joe, get his hopes up until she knew for sure. She waited for him to leave the house when she scheduled her first doctor's appointment. She anxiously stared at the clock on her phone as the minutes ticked away ever so slowly.

Finally her time was near. She made sure to call ahead of time, to avoid a swarm of paps. She didn't need another tabloid headline story cover appearing before she had the chance to confirm her symptoms, and make the announcement public on her Twitter account.

She pulled into the hospital, parked the car. She hoped that this time she might hear the heartbeat. Instead of staring at another blank monitor screen.

Her hands were sweating as she signed herself in. She hoped that everything was going to be okay. That the baby was healthy. She might get a due date. She read a mother magazine while she waited for her name to be called. Thankfully the lobby was mostly empty. Not that she didn't love her fans. Now wasn't one of those times when she wanted to be bothered.

Ten minutes later

"Mrs Alwyn." the OBGYN nurse called her name

Taylor got up from her chair, followed her back into a empty room. Her heart was racing. She remembered the last time she was in a room just like this one.

The nurse spoke in a calm voice "So Taylor, why don't you tell me about your symptoms."

"My period is late. My nipples hurt. I've been sleeping more than I usually do."

"Have you been experiencing any morning sickness?."


--- Trigger warning--- loss of a baby.

Taylor wished Joe was here with her. She was trembling on the inside from her last appointment. It was just supposed to be a regular check up.... That's where everything went wrong.

The baby had died in the womb. She was rushed into intensive care. She woke up several hours later in a hospital bed with Joe by her side. The doctor said that she was lucky to have survived. She stayed for almost a week before they sent her home empty handed.

Joe was her rock. He never showed his emotions. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He didn't cry until they got home. Even though he was great full to the team of surgeons who saved her life that day. He was so excited about being a dad. Holding his baby for the first time in his arms. Helping Taylor take care of the baby, watching it grow up. Sharing the bundle of joy with their families.

Everything happened so fast that they couldn't process there own feelings. He couldn't abandon the woman he loves so much during a time like this.

"Mrs Alwyn, are you okay?." The nurse asked her patient

"I'm okay." Taylor replies once she snapped back to reality

She didn't know what to expect. She didn't know what she would be seeing.

The nurse told her to lay down on her back. She turned the monitor on, dimes the lights in the room. A soft humming bird sound fills the room.

"We have a strong heartbeat. You are pregnant. I'd say that you are 8 weeks along."

Taylor couldn't believe her ears. It was the most beautiful sound she's ever heard. She teared up. Maybe this baby is going to be okay. She won't have to worry about further complications. She can surprise her husband Joe and her family with this amazing news.

The nurse turned the light on, helped Taylor get off her back.

"I'll be right back with the sonogram pictures."

She reached out for a tissue, dried her tears away. She placed a hand on her tiny tummy, whispers "There's always a rainbow after the rain."

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