"I could but it's kinda urgent." Marcus voice sounded amused behind the door.

"Who is he?" Elliot asked when he didn't recognize the voice.

"Marcus, Marcus Smith. He..he is third in command. I'll explain you late.."

"Fix your clothes quickly because I am coming in." Not even a second later he barged into the room, looking so comfortable standing there that he just didn't ruin our moment.

"Hello to both." Marcus greeted, doing a full turn, scanning the room. Not that there was much to see- a bed, a chair next to bed, a couch right next to the door.

"What are you doing here, Marcus?" I asked effectively stopping him from staring outside the window. He shrugged and took seat on the couch.

"You were here for quite long. Drew suggested that one should go bring you back otherwise Elliot won't let you. And here I am." He said. His eyes resting on Elliot who was trying hard to not glare at him.

"He was right." Marcus raised at brow hearing Elliot, casting a curious look to me.

"How?" He asked and Elliot scoffed.

"Oliver is not going with you." He returned his gaze to me, "He is staying here with me." He finished.

"Oliver, you never told me that Elliot is your mate." Marcus shifted his attention from Elliot to me. This sudden question was not what I expected despite that I grinned, confident in my relationship with Elliot. Yes, now I can proudly say that we are mates atleast these kisses say that I can.

I actually didn't remember if I ever personally told him or not. I guessed if James and Alpha knew it, he would have also. Guess that was not the case.

"How, how did you figure it out?" Elliot asked a little bewildered.

"You two were making all those sound when I was outside and knowing Oliver for so long, he will never makeout with someone who is in hospital. And quite frankly I have seen you guys giving each other looks. Never aksed because none of my bussiness." He said.

So we have been caught.


A look at Elliot told me he was mortified. His face was flushed red. I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks, he slapped my hand away scowling to himself.

"Say goodbye Oliver, we are leaving in half an hour." Marcus stood from couch. He had just only reached the door when Elliot shouted.

"I said he is not going." Marcus turned, pinned him a soft look in his eyes. They both were

"It's not your decision to make, Elliot. It's his decision." He replied surprising me because Marcus never takes this kind of a behavior lightly.

They both stared at each other. Elliot with look which promised that he was thinking how to kill Marcus and Marcus was smiling.

"Oliver, why don't you wait outside and get ready? I would like to have a talk with him."



"Are you guys ignoring me?" Marcus laughed at Elliot's annoyed tone. I stood from my spot but Elliot grabbed my hand tightly. He gave a pleading look to stop me but by that time Marcus had escorted me out of the room rather harshly.

If anybody thinks I am acting childish, so be it. I pressed myself against the door outside, why should I leave my mate alone with a wolf inaide a room? On the top of that a wolf who hasn't found his mate yet.

Oh god!

Marcus is single. Oliver!! You left Elliot... God, I am so stupid. What are these useless thoughts. I nearly banged my head, thinking how much of fool I am. My self loathing stopped when I heard Elliot talking.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Easy, man. Why don't you want Oliver to go with us." There was silence then Elliot spoke.

"I don't want him to get hurt because..." I smiled at his answer.

"Because you can't bear to see him hurt." Marcus said. He was teasing him, it was clear from his tone.

"Yeah, So what?"

"Elliot, you may not know but his healing powers are much stronger than you or any other normal person. He is a supernatural, he heals faster."

"Doesn't mean he should go there and get hurt." Elliot snapped back.

"I am guessing Oliver didn't discuss this with you. But as far as I think he wants to be there for Drew. Why? It is not my place to tell. You just have to wait patiently." Neither spoke after that, "Oliver and Drew have been friends for many years. Oliver was achild who never let anyone in but he let Drew. He like a brother to him so you don't have get jealous.."

"I wasn't jealous."


"Okay. You know about Jake?" Elliot must have nodded because Marcus continued, "It is all very tough for Drew right now and Oliver sees that so obviously he wants to help him in any way."

I never knew Marcus can be so emotional.

"He could have told me."

"Yeah, if you two weren't so busy doing other things." Marcus remark made me blush. "So now.."

"He can go."


"Take good rest. He will be back.."

"..without a single scratch."


I can't believe they talked about me like that. I can't believe Elliot cares about me so much even after what has happened he is still worried about me.

"Eavesdropping is bad." Marcus commented as soon as he was out of the door. I couldn't say anything to that, of course listening other people's conversation is bad but it's not other person. Elliot was inside.

"Thanks for talking to him." I said sincerely. He just shrugged and started walking past me. I followed behind him closely.

"No problem. We need you there." I nodded thankfully. "You are not saying goodbye to him?" He asked.

"No. I won't be able to go of I went inside. We will talk when I come back. We are coming back?" I asked nervously. Marcus barked a laughed at that.

"Have some faith in yourself and us. We all will come back with information and without a single scratch." Marcus told me confidently.

I trusted his words.

With that trust we both went outside. The one thought running through my mind was Elliot.

This was going to be a long night.



Also Happy Holi. I can't believe I have been writing this story for a year and haven't finished. Just exactly how lazy I am!

Also how do like the story so far please tell me because it is near the ending. There will be four more chapters and then maybe a epilogue,not for sure.

I want to know what you think about Drew and whatever is going on with his life. I don't like it at all.

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