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date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have a romantic relationship.


"Good morning everyone!"

You greeted everyone as soon as you take a step out of your chamber, today you are having a good mood to take Chaeyoung on a date.

"All of you take a rest for the rest of the day, for I have some appointment in the West."

All of them look at you with a flustered yet confuse expression, but you just send them a toothy smile that blinds their eyes.

They soon nod and bowed their heads as they completely leave you alone, you roam your eyes to see her, but she is nowhere in your sight.

"Is she late?"

You question as you exited your chamber, before you start your path, you run into a garden full of a variety of roses that made you lean and inhale the intoxicating smell that reminds you of her.

You decided to pluck the pink one, but the torn made contact into your fingers, hissing but still, you pull it out.

Admiring the pink flower that reminds you of the color of her cheeks every time she blushes, but your index finger can stop itself from bleeding.

You heard a gasp coming from your behind and you can tell that it's her, so you twirl around to face her and offer her the rose that you pluck, but her eyes are already fixed into your bleeding finger.

You find yourself pouting as she reaches your palm and holds your index finger she then slowly cleans the blood using a piece of white cotton fabric, you wiggle in front of her face the flower but her attention is buried in your finger.

Sighing as you wait for her to look at you, you watch how she knots your finger with the fabric and kisses it that made you blush in return.

And there when your eyes met, she smirks when she sees you blushing, she then looks at the flower you are holding.

"For me?"

She vocalizes and all you can do is nod your head and give her the flower, you can see how her eyes and smiles grow as she brings the flower closer to her nose and inhales the scent.

But her eyes turn into a concerned one and punch your shoulder, you look at her worriedly and mouthed the word 'why' as you slant your head to the right.

"Be careful."

The smile on your lips grew wider, you wiggle your eyebrows that made her lowered her head but you heard her chuckling.

"Come on we have a long day."

You announce and start walking, leaving her alone.


"Your Highness, where are we going?"

It is the 5th time of her asking, but you just smile at her and continue putting the paint, paper, and fabric in the bag while on the other one have full of foods.

The two of you changed your clothes, so no one will suspect anything when they see you.

Your hanbok is just plain black with a gold sequence looking like the son of one of the high ranking official, you also have a hat that securely ties below your chin, and on the other hand, Chaeyoung's hanbok is black and pink, she doesn't look like the typical maid.

She looks stunningly gorgeous and she shines in everything.

You shake your head when you see that she is about to look at you, you wear the bag on your back and walk outside.

Your white horse is waiting outside, you run your hand on the horse's forehead down to his side, you see that there are bow and arrow and on the other side there place your sword.

"You sure that you don't want me to come, Your Highness?"

Your eunuch asks you for the third time and all you can answer him is 'no'

He nods her head and you see Chaeyoung walks out of the room, she has a shy smile curve on her lips.

You extend your arm for her to hold which she gladly took, she carefully walks beside you and you can feel her trembling.

"Don't worry, he a good boy."

You reassure her, but she just looks at you with an afraid expression.

"I'm behind to guide you."

You whispered at her as you peck her cheek, you see how the Eunuch just smiles that made your heart flutter, you give him a look that he easily understands.

Soon, Chaeyoung is already riding the horse and in a second you sit at her back.

"Is it ok-"

"More than okay."

She cuts the sentence you were saying that made you giggle, you adjusted yourself and she does the same, you can already smell her intoxicating smell.

Once again you nod at the Eunuch, he nods and sends you a small smile and wave and with that, you start to whip the horse causing it to run.


The sweet sensation of air plus the smell of her hair brings you to heaven, every time you can take an opportunity to kiss her cheek, you grab it that made the girl in front of you giggle.


She excitedly let out while she puts her finger on it when she sees the ocean, you whip the horse that made it run even faster.

 As you reach the sand, you quickly go down and wait for Chaeyoung but she is afraid, laughing you put your arms on her waist as you guide her to get out of the horse.

Once she lands her feet on the ground she runs like a free child towards the water, you smile at yourself proudly and guides the horse to near the tree branch where you can tie him up.

"Be a good boy okay?"

You pat his head and play with him a little, you give him a sack of apples that made him cheerful, you giggles as you take your sword and walk where Chaeyoung is.

"You like it!?"

You yell for her to hear you and you heard her answer with such satisfaction, you take off the bag and get the fabric inside, you flatten it on the sand where the two of you can rest.

On the other hand, you put the paint and paper on the sand so that the two of you can have something to ease the boredom.

Taking off your boots as you run towards her, she turns around only to find you running, her laughs echoed in place as she starts running away.

Running where she is, when you get near her, you quickly wrap your arms around her stomach and lift her in the air as you spin the both of you around.

You put her down and she turns around to face you, she has her arms hook into your neck while yours are resting in her waist.

Both of your foreheads are resting on each other while you take your time to calm your breathing.

She holds your cheek that made you lean on her touches as you sway both of your bodies.


Her words echoed in your mind as you feel your inner body starts to have its own fireworks.

You see how she open her eyes and pierces them right in your soul.

"I love you too."

Without any hesitation, you said those three words not knowing what will gonna happen next.





what's gonna happen now...

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