Dragging my feet across the concrete we made our way to them. Calming myself down I tried to put on my work persona. I gave a cold smile that didn't reach my eyes, pretending to not care that I was being ripped out of my comfort zone.

"We're going there right?" Kase asked to be allowed to look down at his phone. He was leaning against a wall with his foot crossed over the other. Seemingly uninterested in everything that was going on. That was until he glanced up to look at me, his ice-cold blue eyes piercing.

I gave him a tight smile, knowing I either looked like the grinch or a psycho killer. Oddly enough I was okay with that. Axel was standing next to Heath by the open gate. They were talking about something but I didn't care. Unfortunately, Heath saw me and smiled before pointing at me to Axel.

They both stopped conversing and walked the little space separating us to join the shit show. "Strange to see you here Blair, thought you went to Northridge." Heath quipped, he was smiling so I wasn't sure if he was teasing me or being condescending.

I returned the same smile back, "Well I ended up moving here in the last twenty-four hours." I retorted back. Heath's grin spread wider and he raised his hands, "Wow, didn't mean it in a rude way." he said lightly, not sure if I was joking or serious.

"Okay, guys." Axel stepped in clapping his hands. Trying to be the peacemaker like he was rumored to be. "We're going to our usual right?" Zander nodded his head, "Yep, you know Martha loves seeing us." All the guys shared a smile, big or small, at the mention of Martha.

Getting annoyed at the inside jokes I wanted to demand to know where the hell we were going. But I also didn't want to, not wanting to embed myself anymore into their social ring than I already have.

"So who am I following?" I asked, trying and failing to hide my irritation at the whole situation. "Axel and Heath usually ride to school together in the grey Nissan over there. Tempest in the black Ford truck and Kase's pretentious ass is the red Porsche over there." Zander pointed to each individual car as I let a low whistle at Kase's car.

"It might be pretentious but it's a fine ass car," I muttered, clearly not quite enough because Kase smirked. "I know right." Unable to hold my curiosity I questioned him, "Is it a Taycan right? It looks to have four seats in the back. Or is it a cayman?"

Instead of smirking he looked at me again from his phone and tilted his chin up, "You were right the first time, it's a Taycan." Not wanting his attention on me but still wanting to know more about his amazing car I turned and rubbed my arm while asking another question. "Is it a normal Taycan, 4s, turbo, or turbo s? Because 4S already has a hp of 522 and kW of 390 which is crazy already. So if it's a turbo that baby can really move."

I turned to look back at Kase to see him off the wall with a smile on his face, making his features light up. "You know cars?" He asked me seriously, excitement ringing in his voice. I nodded my head not really wanting to answer as he stepped closer.

"No, don't get him started." Heath groaned from the side. "This guy is a car freak and a heathen behind the wheel. Don't get him started on cars or him and Tempest will talk our ears off about the damn things." He rubbed his face looking in pain for just remembering them fangirling about cars. I glanced up at Tempest shocked that he even talked about anything. Based on what Heath said he and Kase are really into cars.

Tempest was already looking at me with a mild interest in his eyes. Seeming just as surprised at me liking cars, and just as into cars as Kase. Looking at him the idea of Tempest and Kase fangirling about cars like girls fangirl over 1D or BTS had me holding my breath. Trying to keep me from laughing at the mental picture.

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