A sudden knock at the door pulled us from our heavy make out session and had us pulling our clothes on again. Harry's hands fumbled around his with his jeans as his shaky hands struggled to pull the zipper up. I laughed to myself as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Funny how something always has to interrupt us." Harry sarcastically laughed, flashing the fake at grin at me. I break into fits of laughter and slap onto my knee as I try to contain myself. "We are finishing this later." Harry said darkly while pulling his hair up in a bun and walking towards the door.

"Who is it?" I ask as he approaches the door and peeks through the peephole.

"Niall," Harry said, his eyes rolling in annoyance. "Bastard always has to interrupt us." Harry mutters under his breath before taking a quick glance at me, checking if I was fully dressed before he opened the door.

I pushed the chair Harry was previously sitting on back into its regular place and pulled my hair into a very quick pony tail as Niall walked in, a wide smile spread across his face as he did so. He quickly hugged Harry before he approached me, his arms wrapping around my back as he pulled me into a tight embrace, my arms wrapping around his torso.

"Niall!" I squealed and squeezed him even tighter. I had missed Niall. Its been quite a while since I have seen him.

"Where the hell have you been!" He said, pulling away from me. I didn't answer, though, I didn't want to mention the whole fight between Harry and I and I did not know if he knew by now. He probably does because he and Harry are best friends after all. But I still did not want to mention it. He flashes me a knowing smile before nodding, catching along to whatever he is thinking.

He wore black skinny jeans and a gray sweater, his hair matted down onto his forehead which actually looks great on him. I felt my stomach churn as he stared between Harry and I, studying our faces and our movements. My palms sweated as he stared at me just a bit longer, the smirk plastered on his lips never leaving. The silence between us remained before Niall broke into the loudest, most obnoxious, fits of laughter to the point that his eyes were crying and his arms clutched over his stomach as he gasped for air. My cheeks flushed and so did Harry's as Niall caught along, his laugh never fading in the least.

"I'm the biggest fucking cock block in the world!" Niall continued to laugh until he even hit the ground, his body shaking as he couldn't contain his laughter.

This caused me to laugh, really laugh along with him as Harry kept a straight but slightly nervous expression.

"Don't play... fucking stupid with me!!" Niall gasped, his eyes filling with tears as his body kept on shaking. "I know exactly what you were doing before I arrived!"

"What the fuck are you talking about!" Harry shouted, his lips turning into a full grin.

"Look at me- in the eyes.." Niall laughed for a while longer before he sat up, wiping under his eyes as he finally contained himself. He took shaky and deep breaths as he tried to speak. "And tell me that I did not interrupt something you are planning to finish later on!"

"What-" Harry started to laugh, really laugh to the point where he was on the floor, beside Niall as he tried to contain himself and so was I, gasping for air and choking as I held tightly onto my stomach and slammed my fist onto the ground. "How did you fucking know?" Harry wiped beneath his eyes and leaned up against his elbows.

"It's so damn obvious! Your hair is so messy and it took you both, like, two minutes to answer the door! What else could you be doing?" Niall said, laying against the cool floor. "You horny bastards." He shook his eyes in disapproval and stared between Harry and I, our mood and conversation not as awkward as before.

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