neopolitan minus vanilla

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Quarantine meant a lot of things for Yumeko and Mary. Although they used to see each other every day for classes, it seemed that texting and calling from morning to night made them even closer.

Yumeko had made waking up and groggily reaching for her phone on the nightstand muscle memory. Thirty minutes after she sent her good morning message to Mary, she'd get a similar text back. Throughout the day they'd share random thoughts or situations that led to completely different topics 45 minutes later. At night, they'd joke around through tired voices until one of them, usually Mary, would acknowledge the importance of sleep, and they'd say good night.

With every conversation, their feelings seemed to blossom further. Sure, they talked almost 24/7, but it was through text bubbles or pixels on a small screen. Mary quietly missed the surprise greeting hugs and the sight of those ruby eyes in-person. Yumeko could never read the other girl's body language due to the limited camera view and hated having to guess how to other girl was feeling. They both agreed that once it was safe to leave the house for nonessential reasons they had to hang out.

Though neither of them really wanted to hang out just as friends.

After months of cases slowly decreasing and businesses reopening, they finally got to meet face to face again. Mary picked Yumeko up from her apartment and drove to their favorite ice cream shop. Usually, they would eat on the wooden bench under the oak tree, but to stay safe, they reclined the front seats of her car and ate there.

"Am I allowed to take off my mask?" Yumeko popped the plastic top off of her cup, looking playfully behind her red floral mask.

"We both haven't left the house in two weeks. I think it's fine," Mary rolled her eyes as she sank her spoon into her sundae.

"If you're lying and give me Covid, I am never getting closer than six feet to you ever again," she slipped the cloth off of her face. Yumeko's smile was like light at the end of a half-year-long tunnel.

"I got banned from the grocery store, so I really have nowhere to go anymore."

Yumeko tilted her head back with laughter: "Please remind me how again."

"Ugh, just because I'm nice. They didn't have any Cheetos Puffs, and I was having a bad day."

"Didn't you also break a shelf-"

"It was a really bad day!"

Yumeko giggled behind her hand, "I get it, I get it! I'll just pretend you didn't hurt your hand punching the laundry machine at the academy."

"I was also having a bad day! Let me eat my ice cream in peace!" Mary stabbed her spoon into the ice cream.

"Hey, don't be so aggressive with your ice cream! You'll melt it with all that anger."

"I don't need to be angry to melt it. I'm hot enough already."

"I agree, which is why you should stay far away from mine."

"Exact- wait what?"

"Six feet apart, love~" Yumeko leaned against the window and crossed her legs.

Trying to find her composure again, Mary hid her blush by taking a bite of her sundae. Due to her mixing the whipped cream onto the chocolate soft serve, a dollop lightly brushed her nose. Without noticing and focusing her attention away from the smirking girl in front of her, Yumeko leaned forward, licking her thumb, and wiped the whipped cream off Mary's nose. More heat immediately rushed to her cheeks: "That's not six feet!"

"You had something on your nose," Yumeko tried to cover her flustered tone with a nonchalant wink as she tasted the cream on her thumb causing the blonde to be even more shaken. "You should be thankful. I just saved your pores."

Making a not-so-smooth recovery, Mary joked, "You're so extra. We have napkins."

"I'm not letting perfectly good whipped cream go to waste."

"Their whipped cream is pretty good, I guess."

"Absolutely, enough to do it again."

"You're pushing it, red-eyes."

"Okay, okay!"

Yumeko returned to the passenger side of the car. The two ate their treats and basked in the presence of each other. "I missed this."

"I haven't seen you in so long," Mary tilted her head to look at Yumeko.

"Stupid pandemic. Wouldn't even let us sit on the bench, but we're here now. That's all that matters to me," Yumeko met Mary's gaze with cheery eyes. She gasped at the sundae in the other girl's hand, "Wait, that looks good."

Mary looked down and chuckled, "It's just chocolate on top of chocolate. There's like brownies and chocolate chips."

"I'll trade you a bite for bite," Yumeko lifted her cup as an invitation.

"I don't feel like getting out to get new spoons."

"We don't exactly need new ones."

Mary contemplated the idea then sighed, "You're lucky I like strawberry." She wiped off her spoon with a napkin and Yumeko did the same. Before Mary could dip her spoon into the strawberry blonde sundae, Yumeko confused her and scooped out a generous piece from her own cup and pushed it toward her. The small smirk on her face explained it all. "Really?"

"Is there a problem?"

"Only because it's been so long," Mary blushed as Yumeko fed the ice cream to her, quickly pulled away to Yumeko's amusement.

"Worth it?" Yumeko leaned to catch Mary's eyes. "Isnt it great strawberry... Blonde?" the black-haired girl beamed from her own joke.

"I guess," the blonde was too adamant on looking away from Yumeko to catch the joke, leaving the other girl frowning. Instead she focused her attention on finding the best ratio of toppings and ice cream on her spoon. After finding it, she held her spoon out, intending for the other girl to take it from her hand, but because Yumeko never follows what's intended, she chomped down on the spoon, and finally caught her mouse in a trap.

Those amber eyes screamed panic through dilated pupils. They searched her face in a way that should be intimidating, but Yumeko was intoxicated. They stopped at her lips still on her spoon. She was an open book. Mary was jealous of that spoon, and Yumeko knew it.

Oh, and the ice cream was pretty good too, though it had partially melted.

Mary pulled the spoon away, but neither of them moved back. If anything, they seemed to get closer. Their cold breaths mingled. Mary's lips were slightly parted. They looked bounds tastier than their ice cream. Before she could look up for confirmation, Mary gave her an answer.

Even with cold lips, they melted into each other. Mary caressed Yumeko's cheek, bringing them even closer. They went slow. Not in an agonizing way, but blissfully. Yumeko wanted Mary to the fullest. She licked her lips, and the latter mimicked the motion.

Huh, fudgy.

Her breath quicken with the dance of their tongues. Exploring, tasting, sucking. All too soon, Mary pulled away, heaving for air. Her hand lingered on Yumeko's cheek. "That wasn't six feet apart."

Laughing, Yumeko leaned into Mary's touch: "We're not getting six feet apart in your car."

"I guess you're right," Mary whispered as she leaned back into Yumeko. Lips collided once again. It was all so sweet that the black-haired girl started giggling. With a raised brow, Mary pulled away: "What?"

"The ice cream tastes better on you~"

"Ugh, shut up, or I'm kicking you out of my car."

Yumary Oneshots! [vol. 1]Where stories live. Discover now