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"Do you children have any idea what you've done? Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space. Hmm?" She asked with a dead serious face. 

Everyone exchanged look before she smiled making all of us exchange looks once again.

"Well done! Looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities. You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out, you would have all been captured." She said with a sickly sweet voice. 

"And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship? Mm. So proud!" She finished while smiling, very fakely I might add.

"Wait, so we're not in trouble?" I asked because I'm sure that it all was fake.

"Of course not. You are heroes." She replied and everyone cheered. I kept a straight face throughout because I didn't trust her. It made my unease worse when Wheels turned to her and told her that Miss Granada's vitals were all over the place. 

"Save your breath, Granada. They know." The president said as he came up behind her and she dropped the fake smile and gave us a smirk instead. 

"Hmm... Well, then... round them up!" She said as she and the others revealed their tentacles. 

They wrapped us in their slimy tentacles and took us a room that was big enough for all of us and threw us in. 

Slow-mo was the last thrown in and he bounced very dramatically before stopping. 

"Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo. You didn't even scrape a knee." Wildcard said as he rolled his eyes. Slow-Mo smiled 

"Mm-hmm. Oh, good.Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team." Miss Granada droned on and on while walking around to everyone.

"Take away her water." She said to Gups as a minion snatched her bottle she was holding to her chest. 

"They're too powerful together." She said to Rewind and Fastforward and they looked flabbergasted. She made her rounds to Ojo where Ojo clutched her tablet to her chest as Granada scoffed.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is. Imprisonment. Life long." She said as she left. 

"Hmm. How are we getting out of here?" I asked Missy. 

"I... don't know." She said and burried her head in her hands. 

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean... I don't know."

"I bet Miss Granada's been working there for years." Face said as he paced around the room. 

"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president so they could set a trap for the Heroics." Wildcard said as I walked around trying to find a weak spot. 

"I'm such an idiot. President Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backwards and you have... "I'm an alien."" Wheels realized. 

"Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years, planning this takeover the whole time." Missy said before I cut in.

"And now we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out." I said as I pushed on the wall to see how sturdy it was. 

"Any luck?"Missy asked Gups. 

"I need water. Without water, I can't use my powers." She explained.

"I need food. My stomach hurts." Face complained and just gave up all hope of getting out of here. 

"My arm hurts."Noodles contributed. 

"My ears hurt!" Wild complained sarcastically. "We never should have come. You led us here." He said.

"You think I wanted to get locked up in an alien ship?" Missy said defensively. 

"It was all of us. We did it together." Wheel jumped in. 

"I wanna go home." Guppy whined. 

"Me too!" The twins said. 

"We all want to go home. The key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to." Wheels said. 

"Wait a second. What did you just say?" Missy asked realizing something else. 

"He said we all want to go home." Acapella said. 

"Not that, the second part."

"Figure out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to"? 

"Stop saying that." Guppy whined. 

"Keep it together."

"Guys... maybe it's time to admit we're never getting out of here." Missy said and I realized what she was trying to do so I joined in. 


"I mean, let's get real.  These walls and this door must be, like, two-feet thick." I said bringing everyone down. 

"It's totally impossible." Missy said and I tried to hide my smirk. 

"Wow, great attitude." Wildcard said sarcastically.

"Yep. We're never getting out of here, and we're certainly never seeing our parents again, that's for sure." I said and some eyes started to water. 

"She's right. Pretty soon we'll forget what they even look like." Wildcard said as he noticed what we were doing. 

"The way they smelled... It'll all just be... gone." Wheels said, believing our act.

"Jeez, you guys are really bumming me out." Wildcard complained," But I guess... this really is the end."

"But I'm not ready for the end." Noodles Whined as Face made a very sad face.

"I was just starting to think... maybe my sister didn't hate me."Rewind said sadly.

"I don't hate you." Fastforward said and they turned to one another.

"I love you." They said and hugged. 

"That love we feel... is real. And... it's that love... that'll get us out of here." Missy said and wiped her eyes.

"Why are guys saying all this stuff? It's almost like you want everyone to cry... Oh!" Guppy realized.

"Guppy, quick, gather all the tears." Missy instructed as everyone wiped their tears off. They passed them to Guppy and she started to make something.

"What are you making?"Acapella asked.

"I'm making a key." She said and hardened the key. 

"Little Miss Guppy, you just saved us." I said and took it to unlock the door. 

"Come on, let's go!" I said as I unlocked the door. 

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