✨Chapter 1✨

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"Not every curse has a bad outcome. I know the curse I got was probably the best thing that ever happened to me."

One day an old witch decided she wanted to get revenge on someone from a long time ago. That person had broken her heart. So she planned to break theirs. She sang an verse of a song and her spell book appeared. She opened it and look through it. She was looking for the most cruel, evil, awful curse. Then she saw it. It was labeled "Permanent gender bend curse." The witch squealed with delight and read. After she was done reading she laughed and said "This is the perfect curse. It is unpredictable. It is awful. It is beautiful. This is just what I need." Then the witch slammed the book shut and she went into her house's secret potion pantry. She grabbed some ingredients she needed and sprites back to the book. She flipped back to the page with the curse. She read the page again and then said "Oh crap. I don't have any of their DNA and it is too late to get some. I guess I will put in their address." Quickly the witch mixed the ingredients. When everything was ready the witch chanted words in another language. Sparks flew from her hands and entered the clouds. Meanwhile, Lewis Dawkins was just getting ready bed. He was getting into the bed when the witch's curse struck him. The curse forced Lewis to sleep. It felt as thought something heavy knocked him out. The witch sensed that her curse was in affect. So he went to her crystal ball and summoned the picture. When she saw Lewis in bed and the curse sinking into his skin. Morphing his tall, slim, male body into a female she slapped her forehead with her hand and said "I cursed the wrong person." She covered her mouth with her hands and said "Tomorrow morning I will go to his place and tell this man what I have done."

Time skip: Morning

The next morning Lewis woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his front door. He got out of bed and began to walk to the door. He had a feeling like he had shrank a couple inches, but he ignored the feeling and continued to walk to the door. When he reached the door he looked through the peephole and saw the witch standing there. He opened the door, but before he could say a word the witch said "Hello, my name is Claire and I am a witch. And I have really bad news." Lewis rolled his eyes and said "There are no such things as witches." After speaking Lewis realized that his voice was higher than usual. The witch took his hand and lead him to the closes bathroom in his house. She flung him in and turned on the lights. Lewis looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed that he didn't see himself. He saw a woman that looked like him. The witch cleared her throat and said "My name is Claire and I am the witch who accidentally put a permanent gender swap curse on you." Lewis held his hands in front of him and said "Oh sugar."

Lizzy Dawkins and her Prince Will (Dawko x Dagames) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now