Mini took a deep breath and smiled at him, "Yeah, I got that." She held his arm, positioning herself like a noblewoman would in the movies, "This feels more natural, don't you think?"

Rudy sputtered, unable to process the current situation, "Y-Yeah. Mhm."

The bald man led the group of four to the main hall, where hundreds of people were sitting and eating. Carja was greeting guests, a beer mug in his hand. The bald man made his way in without hesitation, but the group just stood at the doorway, waiting for Carja to notice them. When he did, two long strides were all it took to get to them.

He grinned at them, "Lord Saney, Lady Insane! So glad you could make it. I thought you said you wouldn't be able to because of problems going on in your city."

Rudy narrowed his eyes, getting into character, "Excuse me, Carja the Cruel, was it? My name is Lord Saney. As in, aaaay. Not Saneee. I'm far from that, actually."

Carja swallowed, "I'm sorry, Lord Saney. My mistake." He turned to Mini, "Then, you must be my cousin, Insaney? Hello, nice to finally meet you."

Mini kept a straight face, "My name is Insane. Not Insaneyy. That title goes to my husband, thank you. Don't wear it out."

Carja nodded to her, the vein in his forehead ready to pop out. He turned to Brynne and Niki, "And you are Ladies Nut and Cashew, I presume?"

Brynne rolled her eyes, "You presumed wrong. It's pronounced Cashoo. Like, shoe, but with cash in front of it."

Carja gave her a thin lipped smile, "I deeply apollo-gise Lady Cashoo. And Lady Nut-"

Nikita cut him off, "Lady Nϋt."

Carja raised an eyebrow, "Lady Newt?"

"Lady Nϋt," she said again.

Carja furrowed his eyebrows, "Noot."

Nikita forced a smile, "Nϋt."

"Nϋt," Carja finally said.

Nikita let out a breath of relief, "Yes, that's right."

Carja sighed, "Thank you. Now that we have everyone introduced, come in! Join the party!"

Mini let go of Rudy's arm. Rudy pouted, wondering why she had to let go. Mini tapped Carja on the shoulder, "Cousin, dearest, why is this party even being thrown? I don't recall."

Rudy mumbled, "I thought I was your dearest. Guess I'm just chopped liver, now."

Nobody heard him.

Carja turned to look at her, "You do not remember? But cousin! I may not have ever met you, but you can't tell me you don't remember! You even wrote me an acrostic poem, and then told me why you aren't interested! But then something came up in your-"

Mini gave him a deadpanned look, "My talents are renowned far and wide, Carja. You can't expect to remember a small detail, such as this."

Carja fumed, but didn't say anything for a few moments. He rubbed his temple, "I have taken the Falcon Heart jewel, basically conquering Jumanji. Without it, there are no harvests in Jumanji. The people need to pay me in order to get their harvests. I was going to let you hold it, but I think it's just a small detail isn't it? Surely, you don't need to touch it, since it's only a small detail."

Mini's face was stoic, "Then there's no need for me to be at this party. And to think, I had news to give you."

Nikita could see that Mini didn't know what news to give Carja, and she jumped into the conversation with excitement, "Yes. Big news. You are our cousin, too, Carja. So, it's only right if you let us hold the jewel for this news."

Aru Shah - Jumanji: The Next Level AUWhere stories live. Discover now