Chapter 20

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Aru and the others stared at the mass of empty expanse in front of them. It was a snowy canyon with now way to get across - except floating rope bridges. One wrong move and they'd plummet to their deaths. Aru had no way to get across, as she was only good at thievery, so they had to find a way to get across.

Everyone turned to Aiden, since he was the strategist of the team. He just sighed, "There's no way war strategy is going to help us get across the canyon."

Mini, who's eyes were still on the abyss, suddenly straightened up, "I might just have a way to get across."

All eyes went to her, and she turned to them, "I might not have my backpack, but remember, my strength is knowledge."

Niki snorted, "So what? You're going to bore the bridges into working for us?"

Mini rolled her eyes, "Your insults are getting worse. And no. I'm going to use math."

Aru groaned, "Leave it to Mini to prove me wrong about never using math in real life."

Mini gave her a bored look, "Math can be used regardless of floating rope bridges. I would lecture on the importance of the Pythagorean Theorem in daily life, but I believe we have a canyon to get across. Come with me."

Mini turned to the bridges and was about to step on the first one, when Nikita pulled her back. Mini raised an eyebrow at her, and Nikita looked around, "I know I'm not usually the person who saves people twice in a row, but I hear something."

Everyone stayed quiet and listened but all they heard was wind. Rudy snickered, "Niki's finally going bananas."

Nikita stomped her foot, "No! I heard some-"

Suddenly, a loud bang echoed throughout the canyon, making everyone's ears ring. Nikita smirked as if saying, "I told you so." Everyone crowded together, getting their weapons out. The bang was heard again, louder now. Then again, and again, and again. They were getting faster rhythmically. Drum beats.

"I hate this dumb game, so much," Brynne mumbled, her fists in fighting position.

The drum beats got loud and fast enough for the gang to not hear their own thoughts. Aiden managed to signal to Mini to get them across the canyon as fast as possible. There was something coming. Mini was about to step on another bridge, but once again, was stopped.

This time, she was shoved back into Rudy's arms. She was unhurt, but extremely embarrassed. Aru narrowed her eyes at the creature that pushed Mini back. She turned to said girl, "You're the zoologist here. What is that thing?"

Rudy snorted, not realizing that he was still holding Mini, "Looks like an overgrown baboon. Like the one from Lion King, but uglier and two times larger."

Mini looked at the animal and gulped, "It's a mandrill."

Hira looked at her, an eyebrow raised, "A what?"

Mini didn't take her eyes off the mandrill, "A mandrill is a primate. Or, like Rudy said, a baboon. They're not usually this big."

Keira shrugged, "Well, I mean, it's just one mandrill. What's the worst that could happen?"

Aru groaned, putting a hand to her own heart, "You shouldn't have said that."

Keira gave her a look, "Why?"

Right after she asked that, a multitude of grunts were heard. One after the other, mandrills came into view, lining the walls of the canyon in frightening stances. Aru gestured to them, "That's why."

Aiden kept his face stoic, "Mini, you think you can still get us across if we protect you?"

Mini quickly got up, but Rudy didn't let go of her hand. If anyone noticed this, no one said a word. Mini nodded to Aiden, slipping away from Rudy. A brief look of concern showed on Rudy's face before he covered it up with a smirk. Mini stepped up to the rope bridge. She looked to Aiden, "Get this guy away from me, and I can get us across. Don't hurt him. They can be aggressive if provoked."

Aru Shah - Jumanji: The Next Level AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin