Chapter 23

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Rudy, Mini, Nikita, and Brynne got into the fortress, blending in with the hundreds of people who were filing inside the grand gateways. Nikita kept her ears out, listening for anything that might have helped them look less conspicuous. That's when she heard two people talking about how a rich couple couldn't make it to the celebration party that was going on in the main part of Carja's fortress.

She looked around, and sure enough, the people in the entire fortress were wearing extravagant gowns and suits of fur and silk. They were decked in jewels and hats adorned the men's head. Niki scoffed at that. Who wore hats inside?

Suddenly, she had an idea. Grinning, she grabbed her friends and ducked away from the large crowds of people. Rudy, Mini, and Brynne gave her annoyed looks. Mini raised an eyebrow, "We almost got to Carja. Why'd you pull us away?"

"Look around. Look at the people. Specifically what they're wearing," Nikita said, gesturing to the people that kept trickling in.

Her companions observed the people, and Brynne snorted, "What? They're just a bunch of snobs. Aiden would fit in perfectly."

Mini smacked her arm and rolled her eyes, "That's not what she meant. Look, they all look like they're attending some sort of party."

Nikita nodded, "A party that's being hosted by Carja, obviously. And we can not go there looking like peasants." She looked at herself then back to her friends, grimacing, "Well, you guys can't go looking like peasants. I look beautiful. But that's not anything new."

Nikita rubbed her hands together, smirking evilly. And, after a lot of torture and convincing, she managed to get the others into decently fashionable clothing. As it turned out, they were one of the fanciest dressed people there.

A bald man stumbled out of the crowd, "Are you enjoying your cousin's party, Lady Insane and Lord Saney?"

Everyone raised their eyebrows at the man, and Nikita took the lead flawlessly, "Actually, we haven't entered the party quite yet, kind sir. Can you direct us to the main hall, so we may join the banquet?"

"Ah, you must be Lady Insane's famous younger sister, Ms. Nϋt."

Nikita nodded, before getting an idea, "Indeed, now if you would be so kind as to direct my sisters, brother-in-law, and I to the banquet, I'll be in your debt."

"Of course, Ms. Nϋt. Are you impressed with my pronunciation? We were told that you hated mispronunciations of your names Ms. Nϋt, and Lady Cashoo."

Nikita laughed nervously, "Quite impressive, truly. Now, the banquet?"

"My apollo-gies. Follow me!" The man cried cheerfully. "Lady Insane, it is a pleasure to meet you. Your sanity might be questionable, but you are one of the brightest minds related to your cousin, Lord Carja the Cruel."

As they followed the bald man, Rudy finally processed the comment about him being Nikita's brother-in-law. He held in surprised screech, and whispered to her, "Brother-in-law? Who am I married to? And brother-in-law? Really? You couldn't have made me a nephew or something? Even a butler would've been okay."

Nikita kept a straight face, "Well, he referred to a mister-someone, and apparently, there are only 2 sisters. You are Lord... did he say.. Saney? Mini is Lady Insane. I am obviously Ms. Nϋt and Brynne is the other sister he's subtly mentioning. Whoever that is."

Rudy frowned, "Fine, whatever." He turned to Mini, grinning cheekily, "I guess you're my wife."

Mini's eyes widened, "B-But- I- H-Huh?"

Brynne and Nikita sniggered, "Way to go, Bro-in-law. You broke the brightest mind in Jumanji," Brynne said.

Rudy just shrugged, slinging an arm over Mini to make the disguise more believable. Mini turned into a tomato, but didn't say anything. Rudy sensed her discomfort and looked at her, "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. I just wanted to look more believable, ya know?"

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