Chapter 18: The Pool of Purity

Start from the beginning

With that, Ruby took a breath, wanting to ask more questions but she could tell she didn't have long so stepped through the door. She turned around and watched as Ozma disappeared like smoke drifting in the wind before the door shut and vanished in thin air.

The young Reaper turned back and found herself in a grand hall of white and light blue, magnificent marble reflecting the fire torches and candles artfully scattered around.
Her attention was drawn to the light blue snowflakes on every other marble tile on the floor. It was the Schnee emblem.

Two voices drew her attention to the grand staircase, two men with snow white hair slowly descending. One of the men's eyes flickered up and all Ruby was reminded of was the glaciers of Solitas' Northern Sea.
Both men shared eyes of blue and hair of snow and looked so similar they seemed to be identical twins.

That theory was soon dashed as the young Reaper tuned into their conversation.

"But Father, we have to help them. It is our duty to do so. We are supposed to protect them. I cannot just stand around and do nothing while they suffer from Mother's Soul Corruption." The one on the left said, walking down a few steps to get in front of the other man.

"Alexander, I cannot allow you to attempt to purify them. It's too risky. What do you think will happen to you? And what if the pool cannot purify you?" The man on the left replied, not looking very happy with the argument.

"Father, you know as well as I do that I will be fine. I have never failed a purification. The hardest I have done is on a pure-blooded Reaper when they have gone too far. We both know it can be done. And besides, would you allow me to do it if it was my own son?" Alexander said, Ruby nodded along, agreeing with her partner's ancestor.

The man didn't reply and simply waited for the next part of the argument.
"Father, if Salem corrupts anymore humans and I just stand around doing nothing, we will lose the war. You know I cannot purify everyone. My eldest son cannot help either as he has not unlocked his abilities yet. Father, please. Let me help this once." Alexander pleaded, holding his hands in a begging gesture.

Ruby listened intently and filed away the information she'd just learned. Whoever this Salem person was, maybe she was the cause of her partner's condition.

The unnamed man sighed heavily before responding. "Fine. Do it. But if you are corrupted beyond purification, we may as well surrender against Salem." He said, giving up on the argument.

"Thank you Father."

The memory cut out then, the room reshaping and moulding into another grand room. This one however, did not need any torches or candles as the pool of water in the middle emanated a glow like no other. It was ethereal and beautiful, drawing the young Reaper in with its soft chiming.

"Father, I told you this would happen." Came Alexander's voice from the other end of the pool.
He was holding a bundle in his arms. It moved ever so slightly.

"I know, and I am sorry." Came the other man's voice.

Ruby watched as Alexander slowly descended the steps of the pool, the bundle squirming in his arms. As soon as he was in waist deep, he placed the bundle atop the surface. The water began to glow even brighter, blinding the young Reaper.
She didn't want to look away but couldn't help doing so when the pool grew too bright to see.

Alexander began to softly speak to the child in his arms as the glow lessened and what looked to be Grimm essence flowed into the water before glowing and disappearing.
"This pool will only ever purify a Schnee. It will only give us our light back when our souls have been darkened. We can use our own abilities to purify humans, faunus, Reapers and Grimm but we must use this pool to bring our light back before it is too late. We know not of why Reapers cannot step into this pool but we do know that it is a gift from the God of Light. Never mistake your power for anything less, my son."

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