Luffy VS Lei

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   I run back to everyone with determination filled in my heart. These next few days may not be very helpful in building muscles against my father, but maybe they can learn a few tricks that'll help them.

As I get back to the deck I notice everyone has just finished rolling down the sails and pulling up the anchor. The start of our adventure to the next island, I hope I'll make it there with everyone.

The breeze swiftly comes back after we set sail onto the deep ocean blue. The seagulls that once circled our ship begin to fade out of existence the further away we move. Only the fish and a few seals follow us out of the harbor and into our course. It seems at least the start of the journey is going well.

"All right everyone I got a few ideas in mind on how to start your training. We'll start off with defense first because what good is an attack if you can't protect yourself first?" I sit down on the deck and everyone (except Zoro) sits in a circle to listen.

"Since this is defensive training, I've started by setting a few traps around the ship. Nothing too serious, if you fall into some of them you'll just fall through the floor and onto the deck below us. I want you guys to learn how to be aware of your surroundings. I'll be following some of you around and setting traps suddenly around you. Life is full of unexpected traps after all." I give a little devilish smile.

"LEILANI-SWANNNN I LOVE THE MISCHIEVOUS SIDE OF YOU!" Sanji melts at the light smile I give.

"Afterwards, I'll go ahead and get into more serious defense where you all will get the chance to fight me." I can see Luffy smirk as he gets ready for a fight.

"Lastly we'll get into offensive and counterattacks. But for now, let's focus on defense. You guys will have to figure out what a trap is and how to locate one. But I'd be careful if I were you, even if you won't get hurt."

"I CAN'T WAIT TO KICK SOME BUTT!" Luffy energetically pumps his fists in the air. Everyone follows and yells in agreement.

Quickly everyone gets up from their spots and runs around looking for a trap. I hear at least three of them fall below deck, I think it was Nami, Sanji, and Luffy. Nami must've fallen on top of Sanji because I hear him bursting with love and then Nami punching his head.

A few minutes later I hear Luffy fall into another trap...again...and again. At least some of the others were quick to catch on, but I shouldn't expect much from him. When push comes to shove he's able to win almost any fight.

Besides Luffy, I hear Usopp fall through only once, Chopper falls about three times, and Sanji falls about two times. At least three isn't as bad as over 15 times... either way the progress seems to go well as an hour goes by the only people still falling is Luffy. He'll be better off once we get to the fighting section.

Before I let them off the hook I want to follow Robin around since she hasn't fallen for any yet. I create a portal to her, but make sure to conceal my presence. It seems that she can just sense when something feels off as she avoids walking in areas that have a trap. Very interesting... I follow from above and silently creating a line of traps in front of her.

She pauses for a moment and stares in the direction of the traps. Seems like she can just tell, and for a human, it's rather impressive. Instead of turning around, she decides to jump over and keep walking. I don't have to worry about her too much since she seems to be able to hold herself down.

Next, I teleport to Chopper, who's walking rather slow. Investigating every corner he gets a chance. Has he found the way to see the trap, or does sense it because he's an animal? I shrug and create a giant trap in the center of the room.

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