Cloth Or Not

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     As we walk down the sidewalk I see a clothing store titled 'cloth or not'. Weird name, but I suppose I can't question it.

"Zoro, do you mind if I buy some clothes real quick before we head back? I won't need to try them on or anything." I look up at him while still clinging to his arm.

"I don't see why not. It'll be a few days before the next island so might as well buy whatever you want today."

"Thank youuu! I promise it won't be long."

We walk in and I immediately know that we will be here awhile despite what I just said.

Racks of clothes are filled from front to back of the store. It's mostly women's clothes as well...they even have a whole section dedicated to really thin underwear. I've never seen something that looked so uncomfortable. I'd rather just walk around without underwear at that point. I point to it and look over at Zoro.

"Is that something most earth women wear? It looks rather awkward. It's practically a string of cloth going up your butt."

He seems a bit flustered, "er...those are called thongs. You've never seen those before?"

I shake my head, "why would anyone want to wear that?"

He goes kinda quiet as if trying to avoid the question. Hm, must be a women thing to wear it I guess. "Should I buy one to be more accustomed to earth? I thought I had already fit in, but I guess I left a few things out."

"I-I-I e-er u-um..." his face gets a tad red. "Y-you really don't need's a certain attire for women that like to reveal themselves...sorta..."

"...reveal themselves?" I stare at the isle and consider buying one. I want to make sure I fit in with everyone as best as possible.

"Lei, trust me don't buy one. You're perfectly normal the way you are."

I sigh and turn back to Zoro, whose face is still burning and trying to avoid looking at me. "Okay, I guess so. I'm gonna go buy some things real quick and meet you around here somewhere."

"Okay," he replied as he looked around for the men's section.

Rushing over to the back I pick out a swimsuit. I've never owned one of these, for obvious reasons, so I'm not really sure if some of them are unusual to wear. For example, I see some suits that are one pieced and next to it there's underwear and bra. So do I wear a bra and underwear or the actual suit? I swear I've never been more confused about clothes since being in this realm. Grabbing one I rush to the next section.

There are dresses high and low with such a variety of colors the aisle looks like it's flashing brightly. To be honest I was thinking about changing up my style...if I were to beat my father. Kind of like a 'screw you, I'm free' rebellion, but I won't jinx it. So for now I'll just stick with dark colors. I grab a long flowy dress that has lacing from the top of the back that grows larger as it reaches the bottom.

Next, I pick up a two pieces dress. The top half is slit a bit around the belly but still attached on the sides. It's shorter than the other and reaches just past my knees. The dress is black and navy blue so it has a memorizing effect in the light. This one will probably be the one I wear first when I get the chance.

Lastly, I grab a black skirt with ruffles going straight down and around. A 'daddy's little devil' shirt comes with it, and it actually matches the black skirt nicely. It's a shaded red, a little bit small so my belly button would show, but doesn't reveal too much. I wouldn't have bought the shirt, but it came with the skirt so I won't complain. Maybe I can just cross out 'daddy's' and keep the last part. Overall though, it's not a bad outfit.

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