Quickly, I go to the checkout and pay for everything. It's not excessively bad of a haul for the price. I just hope I'll have more time to wear it rather than just four days.

Zoro was actually rather easy to find, he got lost and kept walking in a circle around the spot I left him. He always brings a smile to my face, even when he doesn't intend to. Probably one of the reasons I know it's true when I said 'I love you'.

"Alrighty, I'm ready to get goin!" I smile at him and hold up my bags for him to see.

"I couldn't find the men's section. This store is too damn big."

I can't help but giggle a bit, not wanting to embarrass him I just agree. Together we walk back out and head towards the ship. The stroll there was just as peaceful as last night. The clouds provided shade against the brilliant sun. And the birds were soaring high in the sky chirping every now and then. Even the people seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday, all smiling and laughing.

Unfortunately, we reach the ship and the stroll doesn't feel long enough. I like getting to spend time with Zoro away from the others. Not that I have anything against them, but they are rather rowdy sometimes.

"Hey Zoro," I say softly. I hold his hand before we have to go back. Who knows the next time we will be away from the others, just hanging out?

I see him look down at me curiously, "hm?"

"Thank you for last night and saving me again yesterday...you do a lot for me and I feel bad that I don't repay your kindness." I turn my gaze to him now and softly beam. "If there's anything I can do for you let me know."

He gives a faint chuckle as he shakes his head. "Baka, you don't have to be sorry or feel bad because I help you out. As long as we're friends you don't have to feel indebted to me. Now let's get back on the ship before they leave without us."

I nod and we both walk up the ramp to the ship. It seems fairly noisy, I wonder if Luffy is being careless again.

"Oy Sanjiiiiii it's like you're not even tryingggg to hit meeee." I hear Luffy doing something that sounds reckless. Hopefully not destroying the ship.

"Bakaaaa, how am I supposed to practice fighting you when you just doge my attacks? And on top of that, you swing around the ship, damn monkey! I'm not a rubber monster like you!" Sanji seems rather irritated.

I walk a little further onto the deck and can see that Nami and Usopp are practicing fighting each other. They seem to be going all out trying to develop new skills.

Turning my head a bit I see Robin and Chopper trying to conjure spells. They don't seem half bad at it either.

I'm baffled and curious as to what everyone is doing. Walking out onto the deck I said, "good morning, what are you guys doing?"

"LEILANI-SWANNN! GOOD MORNINGGGG! My heart ached every-"

Luffy interrupts, "oh hey, we were just training for when we fight! You make it out to seem like our enemy is pretty strong so I thought this would be best."

I remember my conversation with black this morning. I'm not sure if I should tell them anything before I figure out what I'm going to do. "O-oh? Luffy are you sure that this is going to help? I'm not sure if a few days of practice will change the outcome at this point."

"Don't be such a downerrrrr Leilaniiiiii," Luffy whines. "I've already got a few ideas for new moves!"

I can't help but smile at his efforts, all their efforts actually. "I'll help you train then too! Let me just put my stuff away and give me a few minutes."

As I walk away to do as I said, I can hear Luffy and Usopp cheer at the idea of me helping them out. They are so full of life it's somewhat adorable.

I'm not sure where Zoro went. Maybe he didn't want to come back with me onto the deck and receive criticism for being alone with me. I guess that's okay, I should let him be anyways. He did spend the whole night and morning with me after all. Either way, I'm glad I got to experience my first proper date with him.

Quickly I dump my new clothes on my bed and change into the two pieced dress I just bought. It looks super cute as the blue and black reflect my eyes and compliment my dirty blond hair. I look in the mirror and do a little twirl.

I haven't written in my journal for quite a while so I spend the next couple of minutes (which turns into half an hour) updating everything so far. I feel like if the crew ever read this journal they would think it belonged to a stalker. Or at least some kind of obsessed fangirl. I guess I don't have too much time to worry about that now.

Putting the diary away under my bed I decide I'll help them train, but I can't train myself. At this point, I think it's the only way to avoid unraveling my control. This sucks not being able to train when I desperately need to. I'm just scared that I'll end up hurting someone though. If I ever ended up hurting them I think I would have to leave the group out of my own shame. I can't hurt the only people who've ever treated me right...not again.

Quickly I take a breath in and out before rushing back out the door to the others. I may not be able to train, but I know I'll do the very best I can to help the others. 

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