International Waffle Day

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Eric rolled over, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my chest. "Morning love," I said, kissing him. "Morning. Mm hey babe what holiday is it today?" "Apparently our wedding," I teased, and he giggled. "Well that won't be a holiday but it should be. Come on though, what holiday are we getting married on? I know you had a bunch of dates planned out depending on how long it took me to stop being an ass." "International Waffle Day," I said, giving him a kiss, and he bolted upright, giving me a huge smile. "Hell yes! I fucking love waffles! Oooh can we get waffles after we get married?" he asked eagerly.

I laughed, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him back to my side. "I'm a huge fan of how our wedding is a more casual date than getting waffles," I teased. "Hey shut up. Waffles are important." We laid in bed for awhile longer before he sat up. "We should get ready though. As much as I love you, I'd also prefer to not get married in my pajamas," he teased. "Aw come on I thought you said you liked me best with nothing on," I teased back, and his face went red. "I like it best when there's no one else around to see, not when we're out in public. I've got dibs on the shower first," he retorted, springing out of bed. "Now why would I let you do that when we could just share it?" I said with a smirk, scooping him up in my arms and carrying him to the bathroom.

After we had gotten showered we both put on suits, with him wearing the one he had picked up from his house the night before, along with the bandana I had gotten him for Christmas the day we shared our first kiss and made our relationship official. "Here, give me your engagement ring since that's what we're using as wedding bands for right now," I said, holding out my hand. He let out a sigh, reluctantly sliding it off his finger and handing it to me. "My hand feels so weird without it," he grumbled, accepting the ring I handed him. "Hey just give it a few minutes and you'll get it right back," I said.

Taking my hand with a laugh, he dragged me to my car, sitting in the passenger seat impatiently as I drove to the courthouse. As soon as I parked he grabbed my hand again, pulling me up the steps. "Come on hurry up I wanna get married!" he cried. Shaking my head with a smile, I followed after him. It was a relatively quick process, as all I did was buy a marriage license for the two of us and stand across from Eric as the officiant quickly ran through the ceremony. It felt like it only took a second between arriving at the courthouse and the words 'I do' leaving my mouth as I once again slipped a ring onto Eric's finger and we were pronounced husband and husband.

By the time we reached a nearby Waffle House for Eric's promised waffles, it still hadn't quite set in what we had done. "You know they're gonna be pissed," I said, taking a sip of my coffee. He shrugged, giving me a smile, face still flushed a happy pink as it had been from the moment he had said 'I do.' "Well I don't care because I'm happier than I ever have been," he said. My heart absolutely melted and I returned his smile. "So am I." Before I could say anything else, the waitress walked over, setting down our plates of waffles in front of us. "Ooh I take it back, now I'm happier than I've ever been." "I'm starting to think you only married me so I'd buy you waffles," I said, and he kicked me under the table. "It's just a bonus to getting married!" he snapped.

I chuckled, reaching across the table to take a bite of his waffle. "Well I'm glad at least something made today special for you," I said with a grin. "Don't you make me go back there and file for divorce," he said, pointing threateningly at me with his fork. I batted his fork away with mine, stretching across the table to give him a quick kiss. "You know damn well you're  not going to do that," I said, and he smiled. "Damn right I'm not. Let's see if you can go further into our wedding without kissing a woman than you did into our engagement," he said with a grin. Face burning, I took another sip of coffee. "It won't happen again," I mumbled. He picked up my hand, giving it a squeeze. "I know."

After we had finished breakfast I paid the bill, lacing my fingers through his and walking back to my car. It was a silent drive home, both of us far too happy in each other's company to want to bother with casual conversation. Besides, we had the rest of our lives together to talk about things. We walked into my house and I scooped him up in my arms as soon as the door shut behind me, kissing him as I carried him to the couch. I had barely set him down when my phone began to ring. "Oh, it's the other Eric, hold on," I said, answering the call. "What's up?"

"Hey Tom! I was just wondering, everything okay with you and Eric? know. The whole thing at the bar," Eric said. "Oh yeah we patched things up. We got married too," I said nonchalantly. There was a pause as Eric processed the news. "You got WHAT?! You got married?! And didn't invite me?!" he cried. "Hey, blame my Eric for that. He wanted to do a spur of the moment courthouse wedding," I said. "Bruce! They went and fucking got married!" Eric shouted, and I smiled, slipping my arm around my Eric's shoulders, pulling him against my side. "We really did do that," he said with a smile. "We did, and I'm very glad we did," I said, kissing him.

"You're stuck with me now," he said, sliding onto my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck and resting his forehead against mine. "I'm gonna move into your house and into your bed and we're gonna adopt a cat and maybe a dog and hell maybe even a kid. You're never gonna get rid of me," he murmured. Smiling, I kissed him on the nose. "And I never want to get rid of you," I said. "I'm never going to do anything to push you away ever again." There was a pause before he let out a content sigh, resting his head on my chest. "And I'm not going to do anything except love you with my whole heart for the rest of our lives," he said. Heart melted, I gave him a long kiss, lips fitting perfectly together as if we were made to be. 

"You better believe I'm gonna do the same thing," I murmured.

💍🍀The End🍀💍

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