National Puppy Day

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I walked up to Eric's front door just like I had for the past five days, ringing the doorbell and waiting. To my relief, it didn't take him long to open the door. 

"So it's um...well it's National Puppy Day today so I was thinking maybe we could like go to a pet store?" I said, ending in a question, and Eric's eyes lit up. "Oooh a pet store?!" he asked eagerly, before shrugging. "I mean yeah sure that's whatever," he said casually. I nodded, biting back a smile, and walked with him to my car. It was a silent drive but it wasn't necessarily an awkward one, as Eric was doing his absolute best to bite down on a smile, very clearly thrilled about going to a pet store. 

I parked on the curb, holding open the door for him as he walked inside. "So what, you a cat person being the Catman and all?" I teased. He rolled his eyes, face pink. "By that logic, shouldn't Eric be looking to adopt a fox?" "Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't," I mused, looking at some fish. "What's he even all got now?" Eric asked, joining me by the fish tank. "Let's see. He's got some fish, a dog, two cats, an iguana, I think three snakes? And a tarantula," I said, checking them off on my fingers. "I really don't know how Bruce puts up with it." 

"Probably because he actually loves his husband," Eric snapped, shooting me a glare, and I mentally kicked myself. Probably wasn't the best idea to bring up other people's happy relationships, and especially not Eric and Bruce's. The most serious fight they had had throughout their entire relationship had been over who got to pick the honeymoon location, and the only reason it was a fight was because each was insisting the other should choose. "Sorry," I mumbled, but if he heard me he didn't show it. 

Eric moved over to the birds, doing his best to match the tunes they were chirping. "Holy shit, it's $3500 for a parrot," he said, looking at one of the price tags. "Yeah. Don't ask me to get you a bird," I said with a grin. "I wouldn't. You'd probably just find a dead crow in your backyard and give it to me," he grumbled. "Eric--" "Maybe scrape up some roadkill or something." "Eric please come on I--" "Oh look Tom, they've got your people here! Rats," he sneered, giving me a glare as he moved over to the cages of rats. "Except rats are known for being intelligent creatures," he added as an afterthought. I flinched, running a hand through my hair. "Yeah." 

He walked over to the cats and dogs, looking at them with a faint smile as they rolled around, playing with toys and each other. "I do like cats though. I always wanted one as a kid, but my mom's allergic so I was never able to get one. I'd like to get one someday though. Maybe I will if I ever get married," he said. I inhaled sharply, feeling my heart ache, and glanced at his hand. To my relief, he was still wearing the engagement ring. "Do you...want to adopt a pet someday?" I asked after a pause. "Yeah, I'd like to. A cat or a dog would be fun. Ooh, or maybe a snake," he said, moving over to the reptile section of the store. 

I shivered, keeping my distance from them. Eric turned, raising an eyebrow. "What, afraid of snakes?" he asked. "Um...I mean no? Not necessarily...afraid, but they kinda creep me out," I said sheepishly. "Come on Tom don't be ridiculous. You're like ten times the size of them," he said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me over. "I mean I know but like they're creepy," I said, trying to pull away. "No they're not! They're cute, look at them," he said. "Hey to each their own but they're not my taste," I said. "Thomas Thayer you're gonna look at the snakes if it's the last thing you do," he grumbled. "Hey! They're venomous creatures, it might be the last thing I do!" I protested. "They don't sell venomous snakes in a pet store, dumbass. And besides, do you not see the glass tank separating you from a tiny little baby snake who can't hurt you?" he teased.

"I just don't like them," I muttered. He rolled his eyes, dropping my wrist. "Fine, be boring," he said, looking at the snakes and imitating them by sticking out his tongue. There was a pause before he gave me a sideways glance. "I'm surprised you don't like snakes, seeing as how you are one," he said. I closed my eyes. "Eric I'm really--" "A horrible person who cheated on me by kissing a woman? I know." "I didn't mean to, I--" "I don't want to hear it. Come on, let's just go home. Well, take me to my home. We don't live together," he said, all of his excitement at being in the pet store gone. It was a silent drive to his place as he was looking angrily out the window, not willing to even look at me. Finally, I pulled up to his house. "So--" I started, but he cut me off.

"I wish we could've just adopted a dog or a cat or something today, and taken it home to a house we shared, but no! You had to go and kiss someone else," he hissed, shoving open the door of my car. "Eric wait! Wait please just let me apologize, like actually apologize!" I begged, chasing after him. He whirled around, giving me a furious glare. "You got another holiday planned for tomorrow?" he snarled, and I nodded. "Well see you then!" he cried, storming inside and slamming the door shut behind him. My heart broke as I heard him burst into tears and I stood on the doorstep for a moment, torn between going inside to comfort him and risking having it upset him more and leaving him alone which might make him more upset too.

But eventually I just walked back to my car, hoping at least tomorrow I could make things up to him. Sure I hadn't really gotten closer to doing that so far, but I wasn't about to give up. I couldn't give up on him, not when I loved him as much as I did. 

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